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Results Fairness


When we have a last of a competition, we make the top 1/3 compete with each other by making these pairs sit N/S.

THe 1rst and 2nd in the ladder were mostly the same pair all through the competition.

On that last day, there were 13  1/2 tables. THe phantom was placed at the sharing table 1, E/W.(moving)

The pair that came 2nd feels that it is unfair, as the pair that came 1rst , pair 14, did not meet the phantom ( as it was moving). and therefore

says that they played 1 set of boards less than pair 14 N/S. 

Upon reflexion, I can see the dilemma.

My questions are : 1- as we are using compass to set up and score, is there really an unfairness and if so, is there any way to correct the results ?

2- for the future, it seems to me that if the phantom had been placed at T14, then both the competing pairs would have had the same number of boards. ( assuming any competing pairs do not miss the phantom)

3- Or, is there any other way of organising so that if feels more fair ? Maybe put the phantom N/S ?

(  the phantom is the missing pair for us)

I would really like the views of some expert on the matter before I talk to our head scorer and the director of that session.

Thank you 

Helene Labreche

East Coast Bays Bridge Club


Started by HELENE LABRECHE on 20 May 2023 at 08:17AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN20 May 2023 at 09:15AM


    Hi Helene


    I can’t claim to be an expert so you will need to take these comments with a grain of salt.


    There is a common misconception that playing fewer boards is a disadvantage
    It is NOT
    Having the results percentaged makes it quite fair

    (there will always be dreamers who maintain they would have bid and played perfectly on the board they missed thereby being deprived of a top board.)


    The reality is “random luck” is the main reason why a theoretically better pair can be beaten by a lesser one.


    I don’t favour having the top contenders all sitting the same way in the last session.
    That means they are all playing against relative bunnies at the table (which accentuates the “random luck” factor) when they should be playing against each other.
    The fairest way is to run a (full) Howell but that is impractical (if not impossible) in a walk-in session in a club.

    My club did a lot of debating before opting for a random draw every session of the club championship. Although that can skew the results it happens in a way which is random and can’t be manipulated. That was many years ago and there have been no complaints (except the occasional dreamer :)



  2. HELENE LABRECHE24 May 2023 at 09:58PM

    THank you NIck, I am pleased about the information. I will certainly present this at our  club  meeting for the future.

    Kind REgards


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