Tales of Akarana 2
This week a very interesting question is asked on the Latest News post about what is the best result that can be achieved after LHO opens 2NT showing a balanced 20 - 21 HCP when we have the following hand:
The post later claims that the best hand is 6. Which it was for the hands given later. However the answer is actually 7 played by partner.
LHO has a balanced hand so they have a least 2 cards in every suit. Partner can also have no more than 16 HCP. It is then clear that our partner could have the following hand:
As LHO does not have a void 7 can’t be beaten if it is played by partner.
If LHO doubles with their AKQJ and AKQJ then can get achieve an even better result.
Any better result possible?
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- SEAN LYNCH20 Oct 2018 at 09:06AM
The other interesting related question from the post is how can you bid 6 after the 2NT opening for board 15?
We play a conventional defence where the bidding would go:
2NT. X. - 3
- 3 - 3NT
- 4 - 4
- 4 - 4NT
- 5 - 5
- 6
Where X is <= 6 losers, 3 shows <= 8 loser 4M or 5, 3 shows 4+, 3NT shows 45+m <=10 total losers, 4 is a relay asking for number of losers, 4 shows 8 losers, 4 is a relay asking for key card in hearts, 4NT shows 0 , 5 is a relay asking for K, 5 shows 1 and by inference 9 total losers. 6 is pass or correct.
Asking for key cards instead of bidding 5 pass or correct is a leap of faith but we do have good support for either minor and can be confident either partner has an 6 card minor with an A or K or 2Q ( if had only 5 minor then would have more than 6 HCP when they can have at most 5) or a 7 card suit relying on also containing Q. After showing 1 K it is fortunate it is K but there would also be play if not but partner would need Q. Could instead also bid 6 pass or correct after partner shows 8 losers relying on rule of 18 instead of checking for key cards as we are not stopping below slam once this decision is made.
This defence would give us a good result for this board but it is not without risk as we can’t stop in 4 or 4.
Does anyone else have a prepared defence they can share?
- STANLEY ABRAHAMS11 Nov 2018 at 09:50PM
Surely the best result possible, depending on the vulnerability, is to double with these hands, and take all 13 tricks in defence, making 2000, or 2300.
- SEAN LYNCH13 Nov 2018 at 11:09PM
Theoretically this would be true if RHO left the double in..........but this seems optimistic as they must then have either:
x. -
xxxxx. xxxxx
xxxxxxx. xxxxxxx
- x
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