Tales of Akarana party spoilers
The hand posted on the 14th of September on All News had the result on the night that no one found the cold 7 heart slam. Examples were given of opposition interference after a 2C opening that removed bidding space and that this with North’s failure to bid their diamond suit lead resulted in only 3 pairs bidding 6H. But was this as much the failure of the opening 2C bid? Would the extra bidding space from an opening strong 1C bid have allowed the grand slam to be found?
There would be little difference if west had overcalled 5C as in the third example but after a 1C opening a 2C overcall seems more likely than 3C given the strength of west’s hand.
1C 2C X 3C
4C - 4S -
4N - 5C -
5D - 5S -
5N - 6N -.
Starting with a strong 1C with a double positive response showing a 4 card major allows south to make an asking bid in clubs. After north’s response indicating second round control a relay sequence shows north has 8 losers KD and KS then by inference a singleton C and 10 total losers so then 5D and either 4H3S or 4S3H. So 7H can be confidently bid. Perhaps on a good day with strength and distribution of South’s hand concealed west could be persuaded to double 7H in which case this could be confidently redoubled.
1C 2C X 2H
3C - 3S -
4C - 4D -
4H - 4S -
4N - 5D -
5H - 6H -
7H X - -
Starting with a strong 1C with a double positive response showing a 4 card major allows south to make an asking bid in clubs. After North’s response showing second round control rebidding clubs clarifies club is a singleton. As before a relay sequence shows north has 8 losers KD and KS then by inference 10 total losers and 5D and either 4H3S or 4S3H revealing the psyche and allowing confident bid of 7H. After east’s pysche bid how can west ethically not double 7H even after’s north singleton club is revealed from the bidding?
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- SEAN LYNCH20 Sep 2018 at 09:54AM
Upon reflection from the bidding with 10 total losers north could also have a 4441 shape with 4D4H4S1C. This wouldn't affect bidding 7H on this hand as with a singleton C north only needs 3H and 3D with the KD to bid the grand slam with almost absolute certainty (barring a 6-0 diamond or 9-0 club break).
- JOHN O'CONNOR21 Sep 2018 at 04:23PM
Well, looking at the board record, I would point out two things:
Eight out of thirteen tables bid 6H.
Of the five tables that got no further than game, two or three were precision pairs.
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