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Eligibility for Intermediate


How many Rating Points will a player earn to make him or her ineligible for Intermediate tournaments?

(Assuming the A and B point limits are not exceeded)

The Manual page E6 states Intermediate is 0-100 and Open is 100+ (so what is exactly 100?)

"Master Points explained" in this website states 100.1+

"The ABC of Masterpoints..." April 2018 says 101+

I'm confused

Nick Whitten

Started by NICK WHITTEN on 05 Jan 2020 at 11:42AM

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  1. JOHN O'CONNOR07 Jan 2020 at 09:27AM

    I do not think that this is an issue. Rating points are whole numbers so you can have 100 or 101 but nothing in between. 

  2. GILES HANCOCK07 Jan 2020 at 10:56AM

    The Manual should say 0-99

  3. GILES HANCOCK09 Jan 2020 at 12:33AM

    Oh, and I'm the owner of the ABC of Masterpoints.   I'll change it.

  4. NICK WHITTEN13 Jan 2020 at 10:23AM


    The problem is the statement 0-100 (or whatever number) is ambiguous as to the meaning of exactly 100

    And whether fractions are rounded up or down (for example what does 100.50 become?)

    There is a simple way of stating it unambiguously in two mutually exclusive divisions:

    "Less than 100" along with "100 or more"

    or, depending on which way exactly 100 goes:

    "100 or less" along with "more than 100"

    What does it matter? you might ask

    It matters if a player is considering entering a Intermediate tournament early in the year, and need to commit (arrange transport, accommodation  etc) before the new year

    They have all the numbers (As Bs rating points) to work out the new years totals but unless this issue is clarified they might not know whether they are leigible or not.


  5. KAREN MARTELLETTI14 Jan 2020 at 12:58PM

    Hi Nick

    Sorry, this has been a bit ambiguous and appreciate this needs to be clarified.  Alister and I discussed this and can confirm the partial points round up.  So whilst the 101+ is correct in some respects, it is the rounded Rating Points, as decimal points are not displayed on the website.  We have changed it to read 100.01 on the website and will amend the ABC of Masterpoints and repost.

  6. KAREN MARTELLETTI15 Jan 2020 at 10:15AM

    Hi Giles

    I have corrected the ABC document, as I had a copy here and reposted it on the NZB website.  A great document by the way and we thank the Canterbury Region for allowing us to use it

  7. NICK WHITTEN03 Nov 2020 at 07:32AM

    I see the rules for 2021 have changed

    There is now NO total masterpoint upper limit for Intermediate, only A-points (50) and rating points (100)

    That seems bizarre
    It means a player can continue winning intermediate tournaments for eternity by the simple expedient of never playing in any A-point tournament

    And it appears to be a U-turn on the change made about 2013
    Which I thought at the time was intended to close that loophole

  8. GILES HANCOCK03 Nov 2020 at 04:11PM

    Yes, we all know players with 400+ B points who never play A-point tournaments.   And of course this is the new grading for IP Intermediate teams too !    But hopefully the new trial Restricted-Open 3A tournaments will be shifted to Intermediate tournaments, pairs and teams, so at least some of the top Intermediates will end up over 50 As soon enough.

    It will work out long term, but short term it's going to upset a lot of people I think.   Long term it's not really a solution, just kicking the problems down the road ....


  9. GILES HANCOCK03 Nov 2020 at 04:15PM

    Rating points are not included as a criteria, Nick.   Just 100 A&B with at least 50As.  i.e. Provincial Master.

  10. KAREN MARTELLETTI04 Nov 2020 at 09:50AM

    I agree this is confusing and has been for years hence why on the website, I put 100.1+ as I got clarification from someone that 0-100 is Intermediate.  So by deduction Open is over 100.  Given our system now calculates to the decimal point and rounds up, probably 101 is the best answer ?

  11. NICK WHITTEN04 Nov 2020 at 05:49PM

    Why not just say

    "Less than 100" along with "100 or more"

    or, depending on which way exactly 100 goes:

    "100 or less" along with "more than 100"

    Copletely unambiguous and no need to be concerned with fractions

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