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I opened the above hand 1D, partner went 1S, I went 4D which partner left.

Partners hand was.... 





There was 6NT and 6D...What is the way we should have bid this contract?


Also in a similar thread, we were phantom on this 4 loser  hand by North, thing maybe 2C

S Nil




What should this hand have opened.


Souths hand was






Contract was 6D or 4NT







Started by PAM WHITEHEAD on 31 May 2016 at 10:09AM

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  1. RICHARD SOLOMON08 Jun 2016 at 11:19AM

    Hi Pam

    Everyone is too afraid to answer your tricky questions! So, I will throw myself in the water and hope I am not pushed under by others who

    do not like my answers!

    Firstly, I am not sure whether you had any system agreement to your 4D bid. I play it as showing at most a 1 loser diamond suit with 4 card spade support... slam try. So, that would not do here.

    I am a fan of the Multi 2D and insist on playing it 3 way including 8-9 playing tricks in a minor (single suited) and at least 16 high card points.

    So I would open 2D and would like to believe my partner and I would have the following sequence:

    2D             2H

    3D             3S

    4D             4NT  

    5D              6D     5D shows 0 or 4 key cards

    6D looks an extremely dodgy contract on a trump lead...indeed on any lead. You almost certainly have to lose a club trick and communication between the 2 hands is horrible. You will probably only make your contract if trumps behave and they lead away from a black suit king. Still, I would rather be in 6D than 4D.


    Because of my high card point count requirement above, I would not open the second hand 2D.

    This is a tricky hand after a 1D opener, as indeed is the first hand. I hope we would bid something like:

    1D               1H

    3D               3NT

    4D               4NT  (key card)

    6C               6D    6C= 2 key cards and a void.

    I hope my partner agrees!

    Thanks for the interesting hands.

    Richard Solomon


  2. HAMISH BROWN07 Jul 2016 at 09:36AM

    Gazilli is a very useful convention for strong hand. It is a conventional use of 2!C that enables a differentiation of strong hands into 15-17 and 18+ and lets responder  show 8+ along the way. Its italian. 

    Our sequence

    1!D - 1!S

    2!C - 2!D



    2!C is gazilli either some 18+ hand with unbal 1 or 2 suited (normally with a singleton but here you have 7) or 6+ !D 11-14.  2!D is conventional and less than 10 with 10+ you bid naturally staying below 3!D. 3!D is now 18+ 6+D. After this partner is alerted to the strength of our hand and will be thinking slam in a black suit.  A further bid of 4!D now shows about what we have a suit good enough opposite a singleton.  Partner will return a cue and you will find slam.  

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