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Bidding after Opps Capelletti 2c

We open 1nt and the opponents bid a direct 2c which is Cappelletti (also called Hamilton or Pottage) showing a single suited hand in any suit.  I am interested in both what readers would bid with the actual hand below and in what methods readers play and/or suggest for defending against the Cappelletti 2c.

The event was a 5A duplicate pairs.  You are playing a 12-14 1nt opening.  North is the dealer with E/W vulnerable and you (South) hold:

♠ AQJ9 

♥ QJ

♦ 53

♣ KT973

1. What do you bid after 1nt (2c)?

2. What does double, 2♦, 2♥, 2♠, 2NT etc mean now?

Started by RUSSELL WILSON on 11 Apr 2016 at 01:44PM

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  1. HAMISH BROWN11 Apr 2016 at 02:28PM

    Hi Russell no garentees this is best but:

    For us X by responder of an artificial bid is a game try+ hand; about 11+ after a weak NT.  This enables opener or responder to X for penalties later. If penalties is not best any new suit is now a suggestion to play, opener will be able to judge immediatly weather they are in the game Zone and weather game figures to be better than penalties.

    2NT could be leb but with a GF better to go through X and cant show a hold since no suit described. 

    2D/H transfers but less than 11.



  2. TONY TURNER11 Apr 2016 at 03:18PM

    I agree with Hamish - double. I suspect E's suit is diamonds so NT may not be the best for us so I'm not jumping to 3NT. The worst that can happen is that  E is left in 2C doubled. Otherwise partner should be encouragesd and I will know more by the time I have to bid again.

  3. RICHARD SOLOMON18 Apr 2016 at 09:57AM
    Double of 2C is penalties. That is fine for clubs but when East announces their suit, you will not be in a position to find a 4-4 spade fit as double then would be for penalties. Thus, with the hand above, I would either bid a forcing 3C (which rules out any chance of penalising) or pass now and when East announces a red suit, double for take-out. At least, if need be, you have a forcing cue-bid of the opponent's suit available. This time, though, I prefer 3C.
  4. NEIL HAWKINS20 Apr 2016 at 07:10PM

    For us if the 2C bid doesn't promise both majors then X is Staymen and the rest of our system is on.

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