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2017 Laws roll out

Kia Ora Koutou,

There was a note from NZ Bridge on June 1st stating that the July Exams for Club and Tournament Directors would be postponed until October.

The same message stated a 'Roll Out' for the new Laws, with an implementation date of August 1st for those new laws.

Has there been any information of regional workshops for current directors, to go through the new laws, and discuss how they will be implemented in NZ? Or when the 2017 Manual will be available? - I have looked through the 'News' feed, as well as through this forum, and have not spotted anything along these lines. Am I looking in the wrong place, or are there no such workshops planned?


T.I.A. For your response





Started by Babs-Merel de Visser on 11 Jun 2017 at 02:34PM

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  1. Ed Roggeveen11 Jun 2017 at 08:36PM

    Hi Babs

    This information should have been communicated to you via your Regional Committee. I know the date of our seminar here in TOTS and also Waikato's as it is on their web site.

    I suggest you get hold of your RC and find out the date and get them to make the info available if it isn't. Alternatively you could try emailing Murray Wiggins directly.



  2. GILES HANCOCK12 Jun 2017 at 12:32AM


    Murray Wiggins will be visiting every Region and holding a seminar.

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