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Explanation Quandary

How do I proceed when the following happens?

LHO opens 1H. Partner bids 1NT which I correctly alert and explain as 12-15 with a heart hold. After Pass from RHO I bid 2C. In our system this is quite clearly showing 4 spades and at least 3 clubs. If partner has 4 spades, they bid 2S. If they have 4 or 5 clubs they can pass (or raise with a maximum), if they have 5 diamonds they can bid 2D, otherwise bid 2NT.

My partner alerts the 2C and when asked says "Puppet Stayman" (which it would be over opening 1NT). They then bid 2D. What do I do? Partner is responding 2D to presumably show a 4 card spade. But systematically this is wrong. How do I explain the 2D to my opps without either giving misinformation or alerting my partner to their error?

Started by Ed Roggeveen on 10 Mar 2017 at 06:17PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN12 Mar 2017 at 08:35AM

    Hi Ed

    This is what I would do but I am prepared to be corrected by a more qualified director

    If its in your system card on the table suggest the opponents refer to that


    Don't say anything but call the director and explain the situation away from the table

    And if I was the director I would take your partner away from the table and have you explain the situation to your opponents only.

    Of course both you and your partner need to avoid making use of any UI, (which is inevitible in this situation whatever you do). That means you both must continue bidding as if your own version of your system was the correct one. At least until one of you makes a bid which is "impossible"

    National Director(s): comments please


  2. Ed Roggeveen12 Mar 2017 at 03:04PM

    Thank for your reply Nick

    You say:

    Of course both you and your partner need to avoid making use of any UI, (which is inevitible in this situation whatever you do). That means you both must continue bidding as if your own version of your system was the correct one. At least until one of you makes a bid which is "impossible"

    I know that the 2D bid is saying spades because of the incorrect explanation and understanding of the system. Technically, by the correct version of our system 2D shows a 5 card diamond suit. So with 2+ diamonds (which I had) I should pass or choose 2NT. But I know the hand does not have 5 diamonds but does have 4 spades via the incorrect bidding. So in this instance would I have been okay to bid 2H (showing spades in puppet stayman)? Or am I ethically bound to pass (as per the proper system) leaving us in a 3-3 fit? For the record I bid 2NT.

  3. NICK WHITTEN12 Mar 2017 at 09:50PM


    "I know that the 2D bid is saying spades"
    That knowledge is unauthorised

    So you must bid as if partner had shown 5 diamonds (which would be either pass or 2NT (or 3NT?) depending on your strength and your diamond holding)

    Sure you will get a poor result playing in a 3-3 diamond fit with a 4-4 spade fit on the side 
    Thats often what happens when your side makes a mistake.

  4. Ed Roggeveen13 Mar 2017 at 07:20AM

    That's what I thought. As I had the Ace of Hearts among my 10HCP I thought I was ethically and legally fine to bid 2NT. As both a player and director I always find this area of the laws the most difficult to fully grasp. Thanks for the clarification Nick.

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