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illegal doubles

Hello all;  I have a query about a certain strange bidding and I am very unsure of my ruling...

North opens "1NT"  E "X" showing near 16-18 HCP , S passes and West "XX" ! at this point no one calls me. The bidding goes on and N now passes , E also passes and S now bids "2D" .  Now  someone calls me !

North is puzzled about the "XX" from West and asks if it is normal...

All I can read is Law 35 .1 but it is not exactly my case

or Law 36 A .  My question is : should I have cancelled all the calls after the illegal "XX" ? ...I just let them play it and the results were quite unfavorable for N/S.  I corrected with a 60-40 in favor of the "non offending " pair...

But I would like to know if I should have cancelled all the subsequent calls to the Illegal XX and have W redo his bidding legally?

I really would like an advise on this please.


Helene Labreche

Started by HELENE LABRECHE on 26 Oct 2016 at 07:33PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN26 Oct 2016 at 09:40PM

    Hi Helene

    Yes I think 36A applies

    So the XX and all subsequent calls are cancelled and the bidding resumes with the offender replacing XX with something legal

    No mention of UI but it does say lead restrictions of Law 26 do NOT apply


  2. HELENE LABRECHE27 Oct 2016 at 08:18AM

    Thank you Nick, I had a feeling that this is what I should have done...I will see if I can have that board corrected properly...



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