Changing seats
Is there any rule or policy about what happens when a pair accidently swap seating positions part way through a sesion? East sits and bids West's cards and vica versa.
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- Ed Roggeveen11 Jul 2016 at 02:09PM
A search of the Law Book and Manual came up empty for me so I'll say no. It is common for a board to be put on the table upside down and there is no issue with this so I don't see the difference.
- ROBIN YOUNG14 Jul 2016 at 12:13PM
Yes there is a rule - Law 5A. This states that a compass direction may only be changed in a session with the instrustion or permission of the director. The key word is accidently - if the director notices, you can expect to be told to shift back.
Many years ago my partner demanded that we change seats (as E she didn't want to look at the wall!). The dircetor was wide awake and immediately told her to go back to her correct seat.
Robin Young
- GRAHAM MCLAUCHLAN14 Jul 2016 at 03:35PM
Man thanks - thatclears it up nicely
Graham McLauchlan
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