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Unusual decision

Please don't take 'unusual' to insinuate any other than its usual meaning.

The cards on the deal don't matter.

South as declarer opened a weak 1NT.  My partner at West bid 2NT showing minors (which I didn't alert as it was a cue and North asked for its meaning).  North then bid an insufficient 2S and the director allowed her to change her bid as I didn’t accept the 2S bid and had no interest in anything other than Pass. North played the hand and made 3S for -140.

This was a top board for us as other North-South’s bid and made at least 4S for -620 minimum.

Our score was adjusted back to +50 in our favour (yes!).  The director decided that the insufficient bid allowed South to pass 3S and without the insufficient bid they would have played in 4S one off for -50.

As I said, unusual and unlucky for North South.

Started by Ant Hopkins on 06 Jun 2016 at 05:56PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN06 Jun 2016 at 10:29PM


    Hi Anthony

    That ruling doesn't look right to me

    Although to be sure one would need to know what North was intending with the 2S bid and what she would have done if prevented from making an insufficient bid.

    But it does look like the decision not to bid 4S was independent of the insufficient bid so the result should stand?

    Also the assumption she would be down 1 if she had bid 4S would not be valid if she had made a safety play to ensure 9 tricks (but miss out on 10) in the event  of really bad breaks.
    Which she might have done on seeing the field would all be in 4S


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