detached card at trick 12
At trick 12 the declarer plays a winner, your partner discards, dummy discards, and you have to decide which card to play. One is a loser and one is a winner. As you get ready to throw a card, you inadvertently let everyone see your cards. Declarer says they saw your card which was the winner, and says it must be played. The Director agrees.
If declarer saw both the cards, surely they cannot decide which should be kept?
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- NICK WHITTEN16 Sep 2023 at 08:02AM
If a defender exposes two cards they are both major penalty cards so declarer may choose which one is to be played (Law 51)
Did declarer call the director before stating which card is to be played?
If not (which seems likely) Law 11A kicks in "the right to rectification...may be forfeited if either member of the non-offending side takes action before summoning the Director"
So here declarer won't gain from this sort of behaviour - STANLEY ABRAHAMS16 Sep 2023 at 11:43AM
Many thanks for your reply Nick, I don't really know any of the Laws, as I don't direct.
BUT surely the point of THIS law is to stop partner from having any extra information on which card(s) they should keep later.?
In this particular case, everyone has already played to trick 12 except you, and everyone has already decided what their last card is except you, and thus everyone holds only one card and the information of which 2 cards you hold is unhelpful to partner, and Declarer is taking unfair advantage of Law 51.
Is it not a Directors right to make the game fair? And make exceptions to Laws when they should NOT apply?
PS The Director was Dummy, this is not a pun.
Cheers Stanley.
- GILES HANCOCK18 Sep 2023 at 10:43AM
Possibly correct in Law, but scurrilous by Declarer. And Dummy/Director should not make the ruling either. 11A and go away.
BUT also see Law 50B which refers to unintentionally playing two cards to a trick. This doesn't seem to be defined elsewhere but implies that accidentally exposed cards are not automatically Major Penalty Cards.
It could also be ruled as a possible concession.
Law 68 preamble - "If the statement or action pertains only to the winning or losing of an uncompleted trick currently in progress, play proceeds regularly; cards exposed or revealed by a defender do not become penalty cards, but Laws 16 and 57A may apply."
If we rule that the defender has exposed their remaining cards and therefore made a concession under Law 68, then their partner can immediately object to this concession. Now Law 68B2 applies - "Play continues. Any card that has been exposed by a defender in these circumstances is not a penalty card but Law 16C applies (UI) ... " .
- STANLEY ABRAHAMS18 Sep 2023 at 05:26PM
Thanks Giles, I love scurrilous!
- STANLEY ABRAHAMS26 Sep 2023 at 06:15PM
How do I access the 12 posts on this forum that don't appear here? I am not on Facebook, is that where they are? I appreciate any help, as I am not internet savvy.
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