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Delayed Alerts

NZ Bridge Manual

29.Appendix7.Alerting Regulations

29.8 Alerting procedure

........Delayed alerts should be indicated by a small plus sign (+) in one corner of the appropriate square of the bidding pad as evidence of a delayed alert.....

Does this mean that when a bid by partner doesn't get alerted and the player later realises the bid should have been alerted, they should then at their turn to bid, add a small plus sign to one corner of that bid square, to indicate a "delayed alert" during the auction? Could/should this apply when RHO bids before a player acts to alert their partners bid?

Started by MALCOLM MACLEOD on 05 Apr 2023 at 09:53AM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK06 Apr 2023 at 11:53AM

    Hi Malcolm

    No, it's about unusual features or inferences that don't require a formal alert.

    See NZB Manual D62   section 29.7



  2. MALCOLM MACLEOD07 Apr 2023 at 12:23PM

    Delayed Alerts:When the auction is over, alert any self alerting bid that may have an unexpected or unusual meaning unless a meaning has already been requested by an opponent. (Crockfords Bridge)

    I should have read this first, I had thought a delayed alert was one where partner had not alerted when an alertable bid was made.... I have yet to experience a delayed alert in practice, and would have been at a loss if called as director.

    Thanks Giles

  3. GILES HANCOCK13 Apr 2023 at 10:36PM

    Some examples :


    Agreements above 3NT that aren't alerted at the time to avoid UI between the bidding pair.

    e.g.  Kickback, Minorwood, Gerber CRO, Pick-a-Slam, etc 


    Unusual doubles

    e.g.  DOPI / ROPI ;  DEPO / REPO (?)

    e.g. a redouble of a lead-directing double to show a control (?)



    Note that the delayed alert is only by Declarer or Dummy.   Defenders keep quiet until after the play.

  4. MALCOLM MACLEOD14 Apr 2023 at 02:55AM

    Hi Giles

    I should rephrase my answer to my post. Yes, I have experienced delayed alerts, know who should make them and when as per 29.7 and am comfortable to advise on that as a director. It is the small plus sign on the bidding pad to indicate one as per 29.8 that I have yet to experience. I would not know how to rule should a player do that, i.e. at what time can/should that get done? It certainly does not appear to be common practice, but delayed alerts are rare as well.

    Thanks Malcolm

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