Security Improvements, Access Code & Mail Communication Preview

Unintended Bid


East opens 3H.  West asks for aces, rebids 5S, and then calls the Director claiming an unintended bid, wanting to stop in 5H.   E-W have no agreement for 5S here.      

Q1 Does the 3H opening set trumps ?   so that 5S could indeed be ruled unintended ...

Q2 Given that the Director call created UI, can West correct to 6H ?   (West has a spade void.)

Q3 If you allow 6H and it is a top board, do you adjust ?



Spade-smallAQJT2 Spade-small -
Heart-smallK6 Heart-smallAJT7542
Diamond-smallAJ84 Diamond-smallT93
Club-smallQ7 Club-smallKT6



Started by GILES HANCOCK on 30 Mar 2021 at 11:42AM

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  1. Johan Forsberg10 Apr 2021 at 11:59AM

    I don't understand how this exactly happened. I want to bid 2H, OK I grab some more bidding cards than intended (happens all the time), then after I place it on the table don't I look at what I have put on the table? I guess it can happen that I grab a clearly thicker bunch of cards, place it, and because it's in the same denomination, I don't notice it until much later. I'm not saying that N is lying, just that she should check online casino real money nz.

  2. GILES HANCOCK10 Apr 2021 at 09:14PM

    Bidding PAD


  3. NICK WHITTEN11 Apr 2021 at 05:08PM

    I would rule 3S as unintended
    It looks quite irrational to me

    And I wouldn't put any constraints on partners actions following that
    What UI (if any) does not demonstrably favour bidding 6H

    I don't think the director should adjust in the event of a call he allowed to make being a good result for the offending side unless Law 72C or Law 23C kicks in

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