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Asking about trump suit during play


We have a player at our club who, during play, occasionally wants to know what the trump suit is. He has posed the question both as defender and as declarer. Is this OK? I can’t see that the Laws specifically prohibit the question especially for the declarer. I guess there would be some issues around 16B-1 for a defender? 

Kevin Juventin

Started by Kevin Juventin on 20 Feb 2021 at 08:52PM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK21 Feb 2021 at 12:44PM

    Hi Kevin

    Yes, perfectly legal, and dummy should provide the answer.  Law 20F2 though it's not explicit.  Yes, defenders need to be careful of UI.

    Note that the answer should include whether or not the final contract is doubled/redoubled, but not which player doubled.


  2. Kevin Juventin21 Feb 2021 at 01:46PM

    Thanks for that Giles. Nicely cleared up!

  3. Carol Cornelius28 Feb 2021 at 02:15PM

    To expand on Giles' comment, and only because there's a more explicit statement in Law 41C should it be useful to point it out to club members who may be grumbling - "... declarer or either defender, at [their] own turn to play, is entitled to be informed as to what the contract is and whether, but not by whom, it was doubled or re-doubled."

  4. Kevin Juventin28 Feb 2021 at 08:06PM

    Thank you very much, Carole. 

  5. GILES HANCOCK01 Mar 2021 at 12:41AM

    Thanks Carol.

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