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unintended call 25A

Holding S A942

             H AJ4

             D QJ963

             C 10

Player opens 1D, partner bids  1S. Now opener bids 3D intending to bid 3S. I would allow this as unintended notwithstanding the diamond holding on the grounds thar the no-one would seriously repeat the diamonds with a known major fit. Am I being too lenient in my old age?? I can find no comment on the laws that says you cannot make an unintended bid with a 4 card holding in that suit. This was a junior partnership.

Bruce Owen

Started by Bruce Owen on 14 Feb 2021 at 12:23PM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN14 Feb 2021 at 01:01PM

    I agree with allowing this as unintended at any level of competition

    One top director recommends this approach:

    Don't look at the hand
    Ask the player (away from the table) why s/he bid 3D
    If the answer is irrational (in a bridge sense) or (as is often the case) they say "I have no idea"
    Then it can be treated as unintended

    (Although I often cut corners by looking at the hand
    Usually the answer to that question is immediately apparent)

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