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Law 26

W        N               E     W

                             1H  Pass

2NT    2H (Pass)  4H Pass

Pass Pass

2H was not accepted and substituted by a Pass

According to Law 27B 2 a substitution of a pass prevents partner from bidding for the rest of the auction and lead restriction 26B may apply.

The cancelled 2H overcall showed 5S and a minor

East demands a S lead, 

According to Law 26B 1 or 2 Declarer may at defenfend's partners first lead Require or Prohibit the lead of any one suit that has not been specified in the Auction, 

I have puzzled over this scenario a number of times, Is S considered a suit that was called during the Auction or not.

If S is considered to have been called during the Auction East can not demand a S lead.

The other question is 26B states 'which may be the opening lead' does that mean that say the offenender has the opening lead, later on hisi partner comes on lead does 26B still apply to offender's partners first lead.

I am probably over analysing the laws, as the pad is turned around after the first three players have played so noone can actually see the auction anymore.

Thanks again,


Started by MARION ARLIDGE on 13 Nov 2020 at 09:38AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN13 Nov 2020 at 10:46AM


    Note there was an amendment to 26B issued after the lawbook came out

    Amended 26B reads:

    1. Lead Restrictions

    When an offending player’s call is withdrawn and it is not replaced by a comparable call, then if he becomes a defender declarer may, at the offender’s partner’s first turn to lead (which may be the opening lead) prohibit offender’s partner from leading any (one) suit which has not been specified in the legal auction by the offender.  Such prohibition continues for as long as the offender’s partner retains the lead.

    So demanding a lead of a suit is not an option
    Only forbidding a lead of any suit NOT legally designated by the offender
    In this case it is all suits so East may not demand any suit only forbid one (any one as none have been  legally designated)

    The other thing you are correct; it applies the first time the offenders partner is on lead whenever that might be

  2. MARION ARLIDGE13 Nov 2020 at 11:56AM

    Thanks Nick,

    Only one day to go until the exam and I am starting to get into panick mode.

    Here is another quick question.

    In the 'Introduction to Directing' PDF which I received 

    Time allocation is said to be 6 Minutes per board and 1 Minute for the move. So 7 Minutes for a 1 board a set, 13 Minutes for a 2 board set and 19 Minutes for a 3 board set.

    There is no reference to time in the Law book, the only reference that I can find is in the 2020 Manual D24 7.1 says 7 minutes per board (not for a 1 board set which includes the moving).

    I know from an old 2015 exam paper that 6 minutes per board and 1 minute to move is correct. where do I find a reference to this.

    Thanks Marion

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