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Didn't see bid out of turn

Is there any rule which can be applied to rectify the damage to the non-offenders in this situation?

North dealer
West opens 1D
North looking at his AKQxxx, AKQxxx, A, void and not noticing the 1D bids 2C (thinking he is "opening")
East sees what has happened and passes saying nothing (he has a heap of clubs)
South noticed the 1D bid but not the fact it was out of rotation and passes
West passes immediately 

Technically the auction has to stand?
I don't see Law 12A1 applies as that only refers to where the laws "do not provide a a rectification for the particular type of violation"
(there IS a rectification but North (inadvertantly) chose the option in 28B when partner responded as if it was 29A

Is a misunderstanding between non-offenders a cause to adjust applying Law 12B1?
Law 10C4 implies it is not


Started by NICK WHITTEN on 21 Jul 2020 at 05:09PM

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