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Suggestion for Forum Administrator

Can we please have some National Director(s) take part in this fourm

Its getting full of unanswered questions or answers by those who, by their own admission, are not adequately savvy to provide an answer which can be relied on

Started by NICK WHITTEN on 30 Sep 2018 at 09:10AM

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  1. NEIL HEARN07 Oct 2018 at 06:49AM

    An excellent suggestion Nick. It must be several years since a National Director has posted.

    Although they would have to be asked via some other form of communication as they seem to have forgotten that this forum exists

  2. Dougal WATSON07 Oct 2018 at 09:12PM

    While I can understand why individual higher-experience directors would not want to be involved here I also find NZBridge support for Directors to be quite poor. I am brand new, having just done the exams, and am quite startled at the vacuum I have stepped into.

    I tried to ask a more senior director (name of wiggins iirc) a question yesterday at congress and was made to feel as if I was trying to steal his children. Ick, that left a very bad taste in my mouth!

    On the one hand the clubs, and the 'federation', seem to be screaming out for directors yet on the other there is virtually nothing and no-one available to help.

    I've spent a lot of time in various online groups and the format of this forum is pretty bad, and it is clearly not well attended. I understand there used to be a FaceBook group but assume the host lost the will to keep it running.

    Fora such as this do not always treated their experts well, which leads to my empathy for seniors not wanting to engage.


    Oh well :-(

  3. PATRICIA MAHONEY26 Nov 2018 at 11:31AM

    support Dougal's suggestion.

    We want to be competent Directors, and appreciate advice and input from experienced Directors



  4. NICK WHITTEN22 Apr 2019 at 01:10PM


    Hi fellow "intermediate" directors

    I broached this subject last month at a seminar with two National directors present

    The replies from both were that they had no intention of taking part in this forum
    And it was said in manner which indicated it would be a waste of time trying to persuade them otherwise

    So it looks like we need to help each other as best we can

    I would suggest

    Anyone who thinks they know the answer to a question posted should post their suggested answer

    And if anyone sees an answer they KNOW is wrong please post a correction preferably with the law reference or other evidence

    And if anyone sees an answer they suspect might be wrong please post your own views
    There are instances where there is no absolute right and wrong so exchanging views will help each director decide who they should apply the rule in question


  5. JENA ROBINSON02 May 2019 at 05:23PM

    Is National Director an honorary title or one that comes with an honorarium? If the later, then maybe participation in the forum might be added as a requisite.


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