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Declarer's Exposed Card

This is probably straightforward but it's been bothering me.

Declarer (South) wins the opening trick in dummy and after some thought leads Spade King from her hand. Opponents point out that the lead is in dummy so she calls for the Spade 5 but doesn't withdraw the Spade King - it's still in the played position. East plays his Spade Ace believing that declarer is playing the King. West plays Diamond 5 (being void).

Declarer now calls the Director and asks if she has to play the Spade King. She has not indicated in any way that she is playing the King, other than by leaving it exposed.

I can't locate any law that seems to cover this situation.


Started by DAVID MOREL on 06 Sep 2017 at 05:01PM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK06 Sep 2017 at 06:34PM

    Hi David

    Law 55B2 and Law 48A



  2. DAVID MOREL07 Sep 2017 at 08:50AM

    Thanks Giles,

    So the relevant wording is "Declarer is not subject to restriction for exposing a card...". But then we have 57C3 covering a premature play by declarer.

    I ruled that it wasn't a premature play because declarer had not indicated that she was playing the King.

    But I'm still uneasy about it. I've reminded East that he can accept the lead out of turn - that would have saved me a few grey cells.



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