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When to commence Improvers lessons

Appreciate any thoughts on how much time should elapse between the end of Beginners lessons and start of Improvers Lessons


Started by GRAEME THOMSON on 20 Jul 2016 at 11:37AM

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  1. Ant Hopkins20 Jul 2016 at 03:40PM

    We took a slightly different approach.  We run 90 minute "advancing player" seminars four or five times a year which have a broad attendance but focus our efforts partnering newer players with mentors and the mentors MUST play the system the newer players have learned. In short, get newer players participating early and with confidence. 


  2. GRAEME THOMSON21 Jul 2016 at 12:31PM

    Thanks Anthony.  I know its slightly off the topic thread, but could u describe the Advanced seminar format eg lecture+Q&A, or Intro+play hands etc.  Also, given that NZCBA is probably some time away from developing a set of "Intermediate" lessons, is there any possibility of material sharing?  Note I am not asking for a freebie and am willing to pay (within reason of course!).  One of the difficulties for such seminars is the amount of time a teacher has to spend developing seminar materials thus a way of overcoming this hurdle would be great.

  3. GILES HANCOCK22 Jul 2016 at 09:17AM


    Hi Graeme

    I think at least six months, beginners need time to consolidate the basics.   But they will start to come up with questions about certain sequences, hands, plays.   So they need a mentor in the early months.

    I think collectively we need to create a list of bridge skills - bidding, declarer play, defense - with a level of difficulty for each skill.   "Do you know this ?  OK, it's time to learn this next."

  has some useful Improvers material.


    regards, Giles


  4. HELENE LABRECHE04 Dec 2016 at 08:50PM

    Hi Greaeme, as I remember learning bridge some 25y ago, we were told not to go learn any new system until we had practiced diligently for at least 1 year.  I did that and found it difficult to be confortable with all these new gadgets...but I was young! better memory etc...but no bridge card lots of knowledge but inability to use it properly...(I still don't have any card sense!)

    But as the beginners'teacher here , I always recommend that my "newbies" do their time practicing their basic acol first...and when they have that under their hat and feel they want to learn more...then we recommend  our Improvers on Sunday the club.

    Some learners are ok after 1 year of steady practice...some need more time practicing depends  but certainly I would not recommend improvers before one good year of regular play.

    Bear in mind, I do inform my students about "Stayman", "transfers", 4C ace ask and negative double during my practices after the lessons so they are aware that others play different things..but not so they learn it...

    Helene Labreche



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