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BBO teaching

Thanks to the good folk who put the LIN files together for uploading to BBO.

We had our first go this morning, Blackwood.   Worked very well.

- Giles

Started by GILES HANCOCK on 09 Apr 2020 at 01:16PM

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  1. Jocelyn Reyners11 Apr 2020 at 12:56PM

    Yes! Many thanks  to the people who converted the files - this is a great idea.

    However, I need some help to upload the .lin files.  I can't save them to my PC - my computer is telling me I need a .lin app to do this. Is this right?  Where do I get it ?

    Or is there a way I can upload from the website directly to my Deal archive in BBO?

    Hoping you can help. Kind regards - Jocelyn

  2. GILES HANCOCK13 Apr 2020 at 05:24PM

    hi Jocelyn

    I downloaded them from NZB to my computer.   right-click the link, Save File As ...     DON'T click the link.

    Then I followed the instructions on how to upload them to BBO Archive.   So a two step process.

    - Giles


  3. Jocelyn Reyners13 Apr 2020 at 07:41PM

    Magic Giles.  Process works beautifully. Thanks so much!laughing

  4. GILES HANCOCK14 Apr 2020 at 11:51AM

    Also, you can use Notepad to modify the LIN files.

    Say you want to show a hand twice, once played without a holdup, and then with a holdup.   You can Undo, Undo, Undo all the way back through 13 tricks.   OR you can have two copies of the same hand.   Use Notepad to copy and paste all the text and code for one hand.


    qx|o1|md|3ST942HKQ94DA5CKQ7,SKHT8732DK973CA42,SAJ3HAJ6DJT42CJ95|rh||ah|Board 1|sv|0|pg||

    Then paste it in at the end before the next board.


    Also a quick way to edit hands, add more hands, though you can do that on BBO.


  5. GILES HANCOCK14 Apr 2020 at 12:02PM

    actually Wordpad or Word is better, you get the line breaks.

    Save as plain text.

  6. Jocelyn Reyners15 Apr 2020 at 09:05AM

    Hi Giles 

    Good idea. Thanks. J

  7. HELENE LABRECHE01 May 2020 at 10:51AM

    Hello Giles, I am the teacher at our club and I have been reading your latest posts about using BBO for teaching.  I have several seminars or workshops that were to be given at our club but went into no go.  But, I wondered about using BBO to set up my teaching boards with them and giving my seminars on BBO.  I have been a member of BBO since no news to me.  But my boards are done with dealmaster pro...and I think I can convert my hands to .LIN with it.  I would have to check that.  If not, how would I proceed?

    I also have PPTX presentations of my seminars (workshops)...and I am thinking of giving them also online...with ZOOM maybe?

    not sure how that would work...  Any suggestions for you would be greatly appreciated...we may not be able to open the Club for quite  awhile.

    This may also be a way forward for the future...

    Thank you for getting back to me m Giles

    Helene Labreche

    East COast Bays Bridge Club

  8. HELENE LABRECHE01 May 2020 at 12:17PM

    Well it pays to work at it....I found the way to put my practice boards on BBO  Great!  I can convert my boards to .LIN files and upload them on my files...I even tried my Neg X ones and practiced with my favorite partner to see if it worked and it does!  This is great!..

    Now I just need to find out how to set up my PPTS as a Video maybe?  Will have a talk with Jane on this one .



    Helene Labreche 

  9. GILES HANCOCK10 May 2020 at 06:11PM

    ok good   Yes, practice/test the teaching table, it's such a different format.   I think two people, one to run the boards and one to run the content, maybe with pre-prepared notes copy&paste into chat.

    I guess you could just uplaod the PPTX files to the cloud, provide links, let people work thru them themselves.

    - Giles

  10. HELENE LABRECHE10 May 2020 at 07:07PM

    Wonderful!   !  THank you so much.  THat is so useful.  

    Helene Labreche

    East Coast Bays Bridge Club


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