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Teaching resource group

Where can I find the make up of this group, mentioned in the latest memo from the chairman?

Started by STANLEY ABRAHAMS on 15 Dec 2017 at 01:55AM

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  1. DOUGLAS RUSSELL15 Dec 2017 at 03:27PM

    May fully I endorse Stanley's request above? Even more so, that there is much more extensive consultation with the wider teaching community than we have seen in the past? That, surely, is what a Teaching Forum should be about, not being put in the position of grumbling after being presented with a fait accompli.

    There are many differing views on how to teach as well as what to teach; those best placed to offer useful comments on this are those who have done it, often very successfully over a number of years. Stanley and I, for example, have differed vigorously on some aspects of the Beginner's lessons; that is as it should be, provided that this does not descend into ad hominem/feminam criticisms. It is as well to hear rational arguments being propounded for one view or another, and leave individual teachers to make their own decisions as to detail. I believe that the teaching groups of NZ Bridge have done a very good job in laying out some approaches, and certainly in providing extensive material as a basis; it would be a shame to see such efforts being wasted.


    Douglas Russell

    Akarana/Auckland/North Shore

  2. GILES HANCOCK16 Dec 2017 at 01:12PM




  3. DOUGLAS RUSSELL16 Dec 2017 at 01:28PM

    Thanks Giles - this is actually called the "Teaching and Player Development Committee". Is this the same body? Confusing giving it a different name if so.

    Douglas Russell


  4. STANLEY ABRAHAMS09 Feb 2021 at 10:35PM

    I need some help here. This is in the notes.

    Intermediate, Escape over 1NTX. General Principles. 

    Opener only bids if they have a doubleton in partners first bid suit. 

    Exception, when responder shows both majors.

    Can someone please explain?


  5. HAMISH BROWN04 Mar 2021 at 07:54PM

    Hard to know why having both majors makes a difference Stan. Is it clear when in the context of the rest of the description. 

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