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Articles for newer players

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    5 Dec 2017

    Wrong Suit, Wrong Level, Wrong Result? Hey, let’s be positive as we draw to the end of the year. Here’s hoping that those new to the game are enjoying themselves, maybe getting the hang, just a little, of how to bid and play this... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    21 Nov 2017

    How many losers? Many…well just about all…players new to the game breathe a sigh of relief when they become dummy. The bidding is over. Partner should look and sound happy when you turn your cards over..and you can relax for a... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    15 Nov 2017

    AVOIDING MINOR SUIT GAMES There are times when you want to be in 5 of a minor as opposed to 3NT. When one player is very short in a side-suit, and there partner has only one hold in that suit, maybe a doubtful hold at that, then 5 of a minor may... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    31 Oct 2017

    ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR CONTRACT You bid to what looks like an excellent slam. You thank your partner for their dummy…and really mean it! It is a truly excellent dummy. All you have to do is to make your contract. Yet, alas, you had to record... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    12 Sep 2017

    RIGHT- SIDING A CONTRACT One of the aims of bidding, the most important aim, is to reach the right contract, to decide whether one’s side is likely to make game, maybe even slam, or else rest in a part-score, or maybe even defend. However,... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    28 Aug 2017

    The Finesse You are happy to lose. Many contracts require care. If that was not the case, we would get a little bored with all deals being too simple to play. Maybe you would like a simple board to play? Many players hate playing in no-trumps.... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bidding for Newer Players

    7 Aug 2017

    BUT THEY BID HEARTS! Bridge is full of good pieces of advice … and we know that sometimes we find reasons to break the advice. However, such tips are there for a purpose. At least one player paid the price when they did not follow a very... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bidding for Newer Players

    31 Jul 2017

    LOSE ONE TO WIN TWO. When you are playing in a no-trump contract, it is rarely correct to play all your aces and kings at the start unless you can see you have enough tricks to make your contract. Even then, sometimes, crafty declarers can make... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    25 Jul 2017

    SHOWING A STRONG HAND When the opposition open the bidding with a suit bid at the one level, we double to show an opening hand reasonably balanced between the other three suits apart from opener’s. There is, though, another type of hand for... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    24 Jul 2017

    SHOWING A STRONG HAND When the opposition open the bidding with a suit bid at the one level, we double to show an opening hand reasonably balanced between the other three suits apart from opener’s. There is, though, another type of hand for... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bid for Newer Players

    17 Jul 2017

    The Finesse That Cannot Fail. Everyone is taught the art of finessing at a very early stage of their bridge career. Playing a small card towards AQ gives you a 50% chance of success, even if you feel that more than half of your finesses do fail!... read more here

  • Play, Defence even Bidding for Newer Players

    11 Jul 2017

    Getting Rid of Your Losers The teacher said when you are in a trump contract, it is usually best to draw the opposition’s trumps. Normally, hopefully, your side has more than they do and you can stop their trumps being a threat. The... read more here

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