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You will find some roadworks as you approach Bay Park. If you are coming from the North or out of Tauranga/ Mt Maunganui, follow signs to Bay Park and that means watch out for Truman Lane at the roundabout.
Coming from Rotorua is more straightforward. Just follow the Bay Park/Tauriko signs and the entrance to Bay Park is on your left as you come along Truman Lane.

Click below to use google maps.

Your location to trustpower arena tauranga - Google Maps


The entrance to the venue is the second entrance on the right (the first is blocked off). Then either turn right into Pit Lane  or drive round the back of the building as there is car-parking on both sides.

Bay Park outside.jpg

You should come into TRUSTPOWER ARENA not Trustpower Stadium and if you come in the front entrance, the bridge will take place in the Lion Foundation Centre on your right.




congress layout.jpg


For those arriving Saturday, tomorrow

It is not necessary to go to the Bridge Reception Desk unless:

You have not paid.

You have a general query.

Your bridge score book and other “goodies” await you at your table.

Arriving from Monday on-wards?
If you first come later in the week, then go to the Bridge Reception Desk at the entrance to the playing room to get the score book…and something more!

With weather ideal for bridge, it is going to be a great Congress.

Richard Solomon

p.s. if you end at Bay Fair and not Bay Park, you will have a great time shopping but there is no bridge there! So Bay Park, here you come!

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