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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

A Grand Sequence.

Today, we have a request from a reader of how two hands can be bid to grand slam. So, we started early and asked the Panel what they would open the following hand:

Bridge in NZ.png nz map.jpg


A K 10 5 4

A K Q 10 5 2

K 2










There was a lot of support for treating the hand as a game force 2Club-small opener. The nervous wait of opening 1Heart-small and trusting someone at the table to find a bid was just too much:

Kris Wooles “2Club-small: game force after which all my bids are forcing and descriptive. I’ll like to end up playing one of my suits with the lead coming up to my hand.

Nigel Kearney “2Club-small: I think I open 2Club-small less than most people but surely this is enough? Game is a strong favourite opposite Spade-smallxxx Heart-smallxxx Diamond-small xxx Club-smallxxxx and we will have all sorts of trouble bidding this hand even if partner responds to 1Heart-small."

It certainly fits in to our “Rule of 29” guideline, 19 high and 11 cards in two suits.  

Peter Newell “2Club-small: looks like a game force to me. I do not believe in minimum point counts for 2Club-small, and this is plenty….at times with 2 suiters there is merit in opening at the 1 level to make it easier to get your suits in.  However, one has to weigh up the risk of 1Heart-small being passed out (unlikely as others are likely to have extreme shapes) and how easy it will be to bid the hand anyway. No matter how much catching up one does, partner will never visualise a hand as strong as this.  Finally, bidding naturally with 1Heart-small it is likely that it won’t be easy to describe the hand anyway even if you get a chance to rebid 2Spade-small.

Andy Braithwaite “2Club-small: Surely you have to open 2Club-small on this monster and bid 2Heart-small gf over the expected 2Diamond-small response. These hearts are so good that you can afford to forget the spades even if there is a fit there.”

Alone with 1Heart-small:

Bruce Anderson “1Heart-small: obviously there is a case for 2Club-small game force if playing a natural system but the natural opening bid gets one of my suits across. 2Club-small might be overcalled with an unusual NT for the minors, or simply a minor suit overcall, and if the opponents have a big fit the auction could get very high without my showing one of my suits.

Over a natural opening and intervention, we may have the opportunity to find a spade fit if that exists, and it is possible that partner has 3 or 4 hearts and can support my suit. If partner does not bid over intervention, I will reverse into spades, even if I have to do that at a very high level. “

We will see that scientific bidding is not straightforward after a 2Club-small opener though I do not share the view that someone will bid over 1Heart-small.


Stephen Blackstock “2Club-small: Point count should not be a determining factor. The questions to ask are:

do I have a hand of quality at or near game going strength?

Is there a risk of being passed in a lower opening?

Will partner doubt I am this strong if I open anything else?

 With this hand, yes to each.”


So, an overwhelming vote in favour of starting with 2Club-small. However, that was not the end of the problems unless South just blasted their way to grand-slam.


North Deals
N-S Vul

A K 10 5 4

A K Q 10 5 2

K 2

J 6

6 3

6 4 3

K Q 8 6 4 2








9 8 3

9 8 7 4

J 10 8 7

7 3


Q 7 2


A Q 9 5

A J 10 9 5







2 ♣


3 ♣






One approach would be for South to bid 3NT, waiting, but how forcing? Another would be to bid their second suit, 4Diamond-small or else simply launch into Key Card. Key Card would show the three North holds (5Club-small works better here though South is strong enough to ask for the trump queen with 5Spade-small if the response is 5Diamond-small). Indeed, as long as the queen ask confirms holding all key cards, then North, with 3, really should jump to 7Heart-small and South converts to 7NT. That should be the case here though there is the nagging doubt that after 5Diamond-small queen ask, South would be signing off at the 5-level if Heart-smallQ and an ace were missing. That really should not apply after a positive response to 2Club-small.

I do prefer this sequence:

                        North             South

                         2Club-small                   3Club-small

                        3Heart-small                   3NT

                        4Spade-small1                    4NT    1 maybe 4Heart-small if North is put off by their partner’s 3Club-small bid.

                            5Club-small                   5NT   ask for side suit kings

                        7Spade-small                   7NT
Now, North knows South not only has all the missing key-cards but the Spade-smallQ as well because they by-passed asking for it.
I wonder how the auction would progress had it started:

                    North                South

                        1Heart-small                   2Club-small
                       2Spade-small                   3NT

North might bid 4Spade-small after which the auction could proceed as above.

7NT bid and made just once in our 22 table Intermediate field in the on-line Pairs last Sunday night. Well done to Ann Verboeket and Sheridan Evans, that successful pair. The 2Club-small openers were in the majority.

Once again, it is Fri yay 2.pngday for our Jin Club members tomorrow.

Richard Solomon


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