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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

Decisions, Decisions.

A tough problem this morning. Maybe you think they all are! Today, we have a very strong hand, a hand worthy of a 2Club-small opener, except that the opposition have opened in front of us…and that creates issues. So, take a look:

Bridge in NZ.png nz map.jpg


East Deals
Both Vul








A 9



Q 9 6 4 2








2 ♠



2 NT



2Spade-small is a Standard Weak 2. We are playing Teams. We have asked the Panel 2 questions.

The first is where we are playing Lebensohl which means that partner’s 2NT bid is very likely a very weak hand, in the 0-6 hcp range and it asks us to bid 3Club-small, or normally do so. If they have clubs, they are likely to pass 3Club-small. So, do we bid 3Club-small? Is that what we want to happen? Of course, they may have another suit instead.

The second is where we are not playing Lebensohl. In that case, our partner bid 3Club-small. What do we do now?

Of course, in answering the first, we are not aware of partner’s 3Club-small bid in the second case.

Two straightforward answers in one from Michael:

Michael Ware “3Spade-small: in both cases. Hopefully everyone know the Mike Ware rule by now. Ax is not a stopper.”

Well, if they know this rule, Michael, they are not following it! Here are answers where Lebensohl is involved:

Peter Newell “3NT: the only option I would consider is 3Heart-small. 3NT is simple and I don't like other options. West would often raise spades with 3+ support so that places partner likely with 3 spades, which could include the queen sometimes...if not spades may be 6-2 with no entry to East. I don't like pass much, yes we could go down 2 in 3NT, so at Pairs maybe but it's rather a swingy action.  I assume just occasionally that the 2NT could actually be strong ish like a balanced 11. 3Heart-small holds a bit of appeal as hearts could play ok, and occasionally partner will have hearts.”

Nigel Kearney “3NT: I have to bid more than 3Club-small, and 3NT is the most likely game. Since I doubled first, partner will expect a hand like this with only one spade stop and relatively suitable for playing in a suit, so can pull if appropriate. I think 3Spade-small in the context of this auction would suggest no spade stop.”

Interesting definition of 3Spade-small and 3NT. I am not sure about partner pulling 3NT as they may expect or hope you have a double stop.

Stephen Blackstock “3NT: Most unsatisfactory but there is no good alternative. You could I suppose try 3Heart-small, but if partner passes (or raises!) with a doubleton heart, you will suffer the penalty for a violation of Burn's Law (on total tricks and trumps). As the situation after a Lebensohl 2NT was so very likely to arise, it's questionable whether double was the wisest option. 2Spade-small (hearts and a minor) would be a distortion of course, but has more chance of drawing partner into the discussion.”

Julie Atkinson “3NT: Bit stuck here. Had this conversation the other day and absolutely a new suit shows that suit and a strong hand. Feels like I am stuck with 3NT.”

However, Michael does have some support:

Kris Wooles “3Spade-small: too strong to risk the normal Lebensohl response of 3Club-small being passed. Partner can clarify their hand by bidding a suit or even 3NT. 

Michael Cornell “3Spade-small: Will pass 3NT and bid 4Spade-small over either4Club-small or 4Heart-small.

It is unlikely (albeit not impossible) that we could make 3NT without another spade hold. Over 4Diamond-small will shut my eyes and bid 4Heart-small (it looks like a 5-card suit). If partner has three or even just two hearts, this could have play especially if he has a doubleton spade.”

This, though, does seem a little pessimistic:

Andy Braithwaite “3Club-small: A horrible problem. 3NT is out so I bid 3Club-small as requested to play there or in 3Diamond-small and raise 3Heart-small to 4 if that is partner’s suit.”

So, only Andy is prepared to play 3Club-small while others go for game either in no-trumps or in a place yet to be determined.

What though, without Lebensohl, would you do when partner does bid 3Club-small in response to your double? It seems to be there are different routes to game or even slam:

Pam Livingston “4Club-small: Minorwood (key card for clubs asking about the 4 aces, Club-smallK and Club-smallQ and subsequently outside kings).  We have at least 9 clubs between us.  Minorwood will tell me all I need to know (although there is a little niggle about what to do with 9 trumps.  Partner doesn't have 4 hearts so I have at least one pitch on a heart).”

 Michael Cornell “3Spade-small:  This is good for non LebensNTohl players. I will bid 3Spade-small and follow with 5Club-small unless partner bids 3NT.”

Stephen Blackstock “3Spade-small: and 4Spade-small over 4Club-small. That must show controls in all other three suits since I can't be inviting slam with nothing in the reds. We will still be guessing but I am just worth a try below game. Perhaps even that is doing too much since the auction suggests North has three spades and no quick pitch for a spade loser.”

Bruce Anderson “3Spade-small. I am unlikely to hear 3NT but partner does not need much for our side to make game in clubs, so I will raise a rebid of 4Club-small to game.  It is unlikely partner has 4 hearts, but with a 6-4 hand he/she may have bid 3Club-small and so over 3Spade-small will now bid 4Heart-small.

 Presuming that partner would have bid 3Heart-small instead of 3Club-small with 5 clubs and 4 hearts, I will bid 6Club-small over 4Heart-small, taking the slight risk the outstanding 2 clubs are not AK in the same hand.”

Nigel Kearney “3Spade-small: I am going to continue with 5C unless I hear 3NT from partner. Sometimes partner will have nothing but it's too pessimistic to play for that. As little as Spade-smallxxx Heart-smallxxx Diamond-smallxxx Club-smallK8xx makes game decent.

Kris Wooles “3Spade-small: and if partner bids 3NT, I would pass but if 4Club-small I’d bid 6Club-small. OK he may have a suit headed by the jack but if it is 6 cards, AK may fall in one round and hopefully I can pitch any losing spades in time. This is no time for too much science and I’m an optimist while being aware that partner may have a lousy hand.”

Julie Atkinson goes straight for 4NT Key card while the most optimistic of all is:

Peter Newell “6Club-small: could easily be wrong, but looks a fair shot. If playing 5Club-small response to key to card shows 0-3 would bid 4NT just in case partner has no key cards.... very unlikely but possible. Hard to see how to bid 7 sensibly if partner has 2 key cards.

So, who was right?

East Deals
Both Vul

J 7

9 8 4

J 9 3 2

K J 8 7

10 4 2

10 6 3 2

Q 7 6

A 10 5








K Q 8 6 5 3

7 5

10 8 5 4



A 9



Q 9 6 4 2








2 ♠



2 NT



It looks like 3Spade-small following the Lebensohl 2NT would have got 4Club-small from North while had North bid 3Club-small first time, it is hard to see them too enthused to bid their second suit.
It is interesting what might have happened had East not opened. I predict 3NT would be common and would have made on a heart lead from West. East's opening would have meant a plus score of down 2 off those who just choose to bid 3NT. I accept the argument that had West raised to 3Spade-small, 3NT would not have been the final contract, though that raise is not automatic. Meanwhile, 5Club-small is certainly the place to be if West knows to lead a spade...though maybe even higher in clubs if that is not the case. 

More for our JIN Club (Junior, Intermediate, Novice) players tomorrow being Fri Yay.png day. 


Richard Solomon

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