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New Title New Appointment


New Zealand has had Regional Bridge Mates for some time, at least in some regions.

Until quite recently, there was an RBM in Waikato Bays but in the last few months, there have been RBM’s only in Wellington (Katherine Gough), Top of The South (Ray Curnow) and Otago Southland (Sonya Adams).

What is their role?

Broadly speaking to help out clubs in need but now more specifically to help clubs and Regional Committees regain “lost” members. Most clubs have lost members in the last three Covid influenced years.

New Title

All three RBM’s agreed that their job title could be improved. Thus, from now, their new title will be “Regional Bridge Support Person”. This title is more reflective of their role even though RBSP does not roll off the tongue as easily as RBM. It will, we trust, in time.

New Appointment

The advent of the new title has brought a new appointment in our most populous bridge region, Auckland/Northland, which has been without anyone in this role for some time. Welcome, then, to Steph Jacob, one of our top players but more importantly very suited to the requirements of an RBSP.

Steph will have her own NZB contact details but for now if any club in the Auckland/Northland region wishes to contact her, please use this email address:   

Steph Jacob 2.jpg   
    New appointee in Auckland:Northland   Steph Jacob

We hope to see appointees in other regions during this year.

The RBSPs will work with their Regional Committees and with clubs in their region to regain lost members, increase participation and increase club membership. I am sure all readers will support them and wish them well in their role.

Richard Solomon, NZ Bridge

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