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New Zealand Bridge National ON-Line Congress update


logo NZB new Dec 21.jpg


We cannot hold the Congress live because our country is “red” but we can still hold it on "Real Bridge".

Same Dates: Thursday February 10th until Thursday  February 17th  2022

Same main events (though not as many events as in the live event)

Start time each day 11 am (to accommodate at least some of our Australian friends). Session times are at 11am and 3pm.

Finish time each day by 6pm  (shorter days on Sunday 13th and Thursday 17th)

Reduced registration fees for on-line

Note that we will repay everyone who had registered and paid for the live event. We aim to do that before the end of January. 

EVERYONE MUST REENTER AND REPAY FOR THE ON-LINE EVENT. Note on-line prices are different/ lower than for the face-to-face event. 

The website will be available for new entries by midday Wednesday  26th January.

We will be repaying registrations for the live Congress in the next 2-3 days. If you paid by credit card, we will need you to advise us a bank account in which we can refund your entry fees.

Please advise me, Richard Solomon, of the bank account to this email address. Similarly, please enquire to this account if you disagree with the amount refunded. 

If you paid directly into the NZ Bridge Congress account, we will have your bank account details already.

We look forward to receiving Australian entries. The cheaper way for you to pay would be direct into the NZ Bridge Congress bank account: 02 0466 0268199 002. Remember all figures on this website are in New Zealand dollars.

Also, the start times are the New Zealand start times.



 These are the events that will happen:

Thursday/Friday           New Zealand Open Teams Swiss qualifying

                                   New Zealand Restricted Open Teams

Saturday                      New Zealand Open Swiss Pairs (cont. on Sunday)

                                   New Zealand Restricted Open Swiss Pairs

                                   New Zealand Intermediate Swiss Pairs

                                   New Zealand Teams Quarter Finals

Sunday                        New Zealand Teams Semi-Finals

                                   New Zealand Open Swiss Pairs (final 3 matches)

                                   New Zealand Intermediate Pairs

                                   New Zealand Junior Pairs

Monday                        New Zealand Teams Final

                                   New Zealand Intermediate Teams

Tuesday – Thursday      New Zealand Open Pairs

                                   New Zealand Restricted Open Pairs

Notes: Monday is a day off for Open players who do not make the final of the New Zealand Teams.

Play on Thursday 17TH February will finish around 2.00pm. There is only one session this day.

Only 8 teams will qualify for the knock-out stages of New Zealand Open Teams.

A Point awards and the costs of entering are included in the information for each event.


Thank you for your patience and co-operation in having to re-enter events. We are so disappointed in not being able to hold this Congress at Bay Park but at least we can have a good Congress on-line. We hope many of you will take the opportunity to play in all or some of the events for which you are able. 

Richard Solomon


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