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Welcome to our First Platinum and Emerald Grand Masters

We have a select small group of Gold Grand Masters who until very recently had no further targets for which to aim. New Zealand Bridge have established two new marks of achievement, Platinum and Emerald Grand Masters.

The targets are tough to achieve as these are the definitions of the two new ranks.

Platinum Grand Master              10,000 master-points of which at least 7,500  are A Points.

Emerald Grand Master                8,000 master-points of which at least 6,000 are A Points.

Thus, it was with very great pleasure that NZ Bridge President, Allan Morris, presented the first plaque in each category at the Auckland Easter Congress to Michael Ware (Platinum) and Grant Jarvis (Emerald) .


Michael Ware 1st Platinum Grand Master.jpg  Grant Jarvis 1st Emerald Grand Master.jpg
  Platinum: Michael Ware                                                                     Emerald: Grant Jarvis

Leaving out decimal points and C Points, Michael has, as at 23rd April this year 7945 A Points and 1942 B Points. Although that adds up to 9887 master-points Michael, along with all other affected players, is still to receive master-points earned in Australian Congresses this year. So, with those, Michael has achieved 10,000 master-points.

Grant has 6101 A Points with 2672 B Points, a total of 8773 master-points.

A third player, Ashley Bach, has also just qualified as an Emerald Grand Master but has yet to be presented with his plaque.

Ashley has 6553 A Points with 1478 B Points, a total of 8031 master-points.

These are all fantastic achievements.

There could be a little wait until the next player reaches one of these milestones. Patrick Carter has 5675 A Points and 2346 B Points, 8021 master-points. Patrick, thus, needs a further 325 A Points to achieve Emerald status.

New Zealand Bridge are currently updating the software to include the two new ranks.

Another "presentation" made during the Easter Congress was "presenting" to the Congress players those present who will represent New Zealand in the APBF Championships in Singapore in June. The aim was to get our internationals better known to our tournament players:

sINGAPORE TEAM 2019.jpg 
Michael Ware, Matthew Brown, Michael Whibley, Michael Cornell (all Open Team), Denis Humphries
(Seniors), Wayne Burrows, Clair Miao (Mixed), Brian Mace, David Dolbel and TomJacob (Seniors)

We wish all the teams well  and everyone except Michael Ware in their chase for their next master-point rank.
It is not that we are not wishing Michael well. It is just that yet again, there is no further rank for him to chase. That
will certainly not stop Michael turning up and playing bridge tournaments, for sure.
Richard Solomon


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