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Youth Squad Weekend in Auckland by Tracey Lewis

The Auckland Bridge Club was the scene during the weekend of 15th/16th December for the New Zealand Youth Squad to have a combined teaching weekend with a tournament run by Patrick Carter on the Sunday. Lectures on Defence and Trump control were given throughout Saturday. My thanks to Douglas Russell and Malcolm Mayer for their excellent presentations.

The group welcomed Sam Coutts as the newly appointed Youth Coordinator with the hand over to Sam now complete. I wish him well in the position. He has taken on a delightful group of young people who show enthusiasm and potential to do well in the bridge world with the continuing support of the Foundation, New Zealand Bridge and of course all bridge players around the country.

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From left: Vicki, Sam (coordinator), Eddy, Vincent, Matt H, Yiwei, Feitong, Brad, Douglas (not quite in the youth bracket), Beth, Sheryl, Jeremy, Jacob, Kevin, Zachary, Tony, Tim and Ryan.

Absent: Matt B, Andi and Tegan

Thanks to the Auckland/ Northland Regional Committee for supplying sundries to the group over the weekend, and thanks also to the non-squad members who participated in the activities over the course of the weekend.

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Welcome to the squad, Ryan Song.

Ryan has recently arrived from China and attends Kristin College in Auckland. At 14 years of age he becomes our youngest squad member and will be mentored by Gary Chen and other members of the Chinese bridge community who have taken an interest in him.

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Sam watches as Kevin, Jeremy, Tony and Ryan play.

I have enjoyed working with and assisting  the Squad and potential squad members and wish them well with their future bridge careers.
and thanks to Tracey for role in assembling and managing the squad and for all the enthusiasm she has brought to her role in working with our young enthusiastic players.







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