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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    " Loud Shirt Day" at Golden Bay.

Congress has been the big event for many in our region over the last couple of months.  A strong TOPS contingent spent the week in Hamilton; all had an enjoyable time and in many instances it was not without success.  Particular congratulations to our double winners, Stuart Grant and Wayne Smith 1st in the Intermediate Teams (with non TOPS players) and then going on to win the Intermediate Swiss Pairs.  Steve Gray, Lindsey Guy, Tony Oberdries and Adrian Abraham qualified for the round of 16 by finishing 10th in the NZ 25A Teams.  Motueka’s Janet Howell and Chris Sutton were the top Intermediate Pair in the NZ 15A Open Restricted, finishing 9th.  David Cook and Tony Fitzgerald won the Goulash.

 Tournament News

Enthusiasm for tournaments is high, with 26 tables at both the Picton Intermediate and Golden Bay Open in recent weeks and 23 in Westport last weekend (5 of which were accommodated in a marquee!)

In Picton at the end of September, Marlborough’s Chris Henry and Ann Baker took out the top slot with 65.07%, Richmond / Nelson’s Jane Worthington and Jenny Pomeroy second with 63.84% and local Picton pair, Jennifer Cunningham and Heather Roggeveen 3rd.

    1st                                  SPADES WINNERS at PICTON     2nd                              3rd

Ann Baker Chris Henry.jpg            Jenny Pomeroy and Jane Worthington.jpg  Heather Roggeveen Jennifer Cunningham.jpg
Chris Henry and Ann Baker               Jenny Pomeroy and Jane Worthington    Heather Roggeveen and Jennifer Cunningham

    1st                                     TOP HEARTS PLACINGS   2nd                                3rd

Jann and Allan Dyer.jpg       Mary Hamilton and Vicky Adnams 2.jpg                     Fran Wilkinson and Elva Adnams.jpg
Allan and Jann Dyer                       Mary Hamilton and Vicki Adnams                  Fran Wilkinson and Elva Adams

and in Diamonds...


Lesley Pincombe and Claire Welch.jpg                                                                       Margaret Roberts and Clare Fleming.jpg
1st: Lesley Pincombe and Claire Welch                                                        3rd: Barbara Liebelt and Karen Moynagh
They finished a very creditable 6th overall. Second in this grade and 8th overall were Margaret Roberts and Clare Fleming.

                                                                   Clubs Grade

Mike and Val Fitzsimons Sue Rapach Kim Anderson.jpg                                                      Monica Telfer   Jenny Tyney.jpg
1st and 2nd: Mike and Val Fitzsimons and                                                 3rd: Monica Telfer and Jenny Tyney
Sue Rapach and Kim Anderson

Golden Bay held their Open Tournament at the end of October, making a weekend of it to celebrate their move into their new club rooms at the Golden Bay Recreation Centre.  All three life members attended, impressive as 2 of them no longer live in the Bay; Leigh Gamby travelling over from Richmond and Dot Rapley flying up from Timaru.  A great weekend with a feast on Saturday night after play and rounded off with Tony Hinkley holding a well attended and excellent training day on the Sunday “Get your act together” going over the hands from the day before.   Overall winners were Steve Gray and Lindsey Guy with Carol and Roger Minchin second and Garry Brunton and Pam Dravitzki 3rd.  Local pair Simon Langford (club president) and Beth Burdett were 9th winning the Clem Mead Trophy for top Golden Bay Pair and Jenny Cooper and Pam Wood, 12th winning the Lone Star Trophy for top Golden Bay  pair on handicap.

Dot Rapley Christine Mead Leigh Gamby  G Bay life members 18.jpg     Beth Burdett Simon Langford   G Bay 18.jpg Jenny Cooper  Pam Wood  G Bay 18.jpg
Golden Bay Life Members, Dot Rapley,      Clem Mead Trophy winners, Beth Burdett   Lone Star winners, Jenny Cooper
Christine Mead and Leigh Gamby              and Simon Langford                                    and Pam Wood

                                                                          Westport for Bridge
Golden Bay feast 18.jpg              Wesport 1.jpeg  Bev Gay and Ray Curnow.jpg
 a feast in Golden Bay                    Wayne's billboard welcomes all to Westport   Director, Bev Gay and emcee Ray Curnow
                                                                                                                              at Westport

and our final weekend tournament for the year took place in Westport. Once again welcomed into town by Wayne’s bill board  23 tables, and as mentioned before, 5 in a marquee.  Fab idea!  Good on them for thinking outside the box. They didn’t offer it as accommodation though! Again making a weekend of it, with Ed Roggeveen delivering a brilliant directors' seminar on Sunday morning, start time pushed back to accommodate watching of All Blacks vs Ireland beforehand.  And as always whitebait, whitebait and whitebait! All 9 clubs from our Region represented, and a good handful from Christchurch as well.  One from the North Island, Laura Griffin, who travelled home to partner Pat Dolomore in the Diamonds Grade.  Great to see you again Laura.  The Golden Bay contingent (with a few hangers on) gathered together on Friday night and were last to leave the restaurant!  Bev Gay as director had us under control and Ray Curnow, club president, regional bridge mate and emcee for the day kept things moving along. 

                     Spades                                Diamonds

1. Ed Roggeveen and Tony Oberdries

1. Jill Howard and Garry Howard

2. Pam Dravitzki and Sheila Beggs

2. Annette Joseph and Jo Gear

3. Phil Dewar and Barbara Fechney

3. Deborah Matthews and Darryl Dowthwaite



Anthony Fitzgerald and Reg Nicol

Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn

Wayne Smith and Val Mundy

Brian Rowlands and John Boyes

Bevan and Vicki Russell

Rhoda McDonald and John Pemberton

                                   Diamonds winners

 Jill Ireland and Garry Howard.jpg        Annette Joseph and Jo Gear.jpg      Deborah Matthews and Darryl Dowthwaite.jpg
 Jill Ireland and Garry Howard          Annette Joseph and Jo Gear       Deborah Matthews and Darryl Dowthwaite

                                    Clubs winners

Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn at wport.jpg       Brian Rowlands and John Boyes.jpg Rhoda McDonald and John Pemberton.jpg
 Sue Glue and Michelle Gunn        Brian Rowlands and John Boyes               Rhoda McDonald and John Pemberton

 Junior and Intermediate Champions League

These were decided in Westport. Nelson’s Barbara Liebezeit won the Junior just ahead of Marlborough’s Ron and Shirley Hebberd who were joint second.  A tie for second in the Intermediate with Nelson’s Steve Aitken and Jenny Pomeroy sharing the honours, neither having a chance to catch overall winner Wayne Smith who has had a fantastic year.
Barbara Liebezeit.jpg       Ron and Shirley Hebberd.jpg        Wayne Smith.jpg
Junior winner, Barbara Liebezeit     Second equal in the Juniors,        Intermediate winner, Wayne Smith
                                                        Shirley and Ron Hebberd

Thanks to all our clubs throughout the year for hosting such great tournaments.  We’re consistently getting table numbers in the 20’s and then some (Kaikoura, 33 tables in May!) which is testament to the camaraderie and fun enjoyed by our players.  And a huge thanks also to our directors and scorers – couldn’t do it without you.

Other news

Golden Bay supported Loud Shirt Day the annual appeal of the Hearing House and Southern Cochlear Implant Paediatric Programme.  Players dressed up in crazy attire and table fees and donations went towards these two charities.

               "LOUD SHIRT DAY" in The Bay
Golden Bay loud shirt 1.jpg               Golden Bay loud shirt 2.jpg

  Richmond held its AGM and welcomes Diane Groom and Leigh Gamby onto the committee. 

Kaikoura’s Lyn Anderson and Ann Grant were 6th overall in the New Zealand Wide Pairs.  Eight of our nine clubs hosted a round, with a significant number of Richmond players going to either Motueka or Nelson. 

Jane Worthington and Vicki Russell won the Nelson Championship Pairs and finally, club Christmas parties are full steam ahead.





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