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Volunteer of The Month

June Day - Te Puke. Treasurer and much more.

The Club Committee would like to nominate June Day, who has been our Treasurer for about19 years. She finally decided to retire due to her 80th birthday.  She kept meticulous records and her accounts were never out by even 1 cent.

June Day    volunteer of the month  Te Puke  sept 18.jpg
   June receives her certificate and gift from Te Puke Club President, David Munro.

June also was in charge of renting out the clubrooms, which involved being on hand to open up the rooms at the right time.  She was also on the dealing roster (and still is) and was a weekly session convener as well.  She provided constant and unfailing support to the club in many ways, including providing a husband to preside at the bar at tournaments.  At working bees, as well as herself, along would come muffins and scones to succour the volunteers.    She has been a mainstay of the club in many ways, and after reaching 80, decided that she had done her stint.  We only realised how much extra work she did as Treasurer when it came time for someone else to take over the reins. 

Most clubs struggle to find a Treasurer. June has been a tower of strength in that role for such a long time but has also helped in so many other ways at the Club. All at Te Puke would say "thank you so much" for your contribution, June.


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