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Another year another National Congress

Hamilton will be abuzz again starting on Saturday for nine days.  We have a good number of entries and can't wait to get started.

If you want to receive updates during Congress, you need to be registered o this NZB website.  To do this, click on the LOGIN icon on the top right of the screen and then fill in your details on the right-hand section of the page where it says REGISTER for the first time.

If you are already registered, but forgotten your login or password, click on "Forgotten your password" and you can reset your password, then change contact details etc

Once done, got to "MY NZB" and tick the Congress box under AREAS OF INTEREST

Email notifications will come your way.  Not only that, if you enter an event at Congress or elsewhere in the country, you will receive email notifications of your entry.  Not only that, you can view and edit these entries any time in your "My NZB" tab.

Give it a go and if you need help please ask

Results will be posted regularly on the website.  Please go to the Congress Tab

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