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Volunteer of the Month

     JUNE 2018 - Graham Potter, Wellington.

   The nomination came from the Wellington Bridge Club. Club President, Brad Tattersfield, and Manager, Bridget Hannaway-Willcox explain why.

One of our “unsung heroes,” Graham Potter, has won New Zealand Bridge’s Volunteer of the Month award for June. We nominated Graham because he regularly pops into the club, without being asked, to help with the many and varied jobs that otherwise would pile up on Bridget’s plate. Here’s what Bridget said about Graham when we nominated him for the award:

“Graham is my 'go to" person. A quiet helper that most members don't realise has been beavering away, most would think the fairies have been again. On my first day back after the Christmas break, Graham phoned and asked if I would like him to take down the Christmas decorations...we have 400+ members and he was the only one to think of it! 

He always makes time to come in for an hour or two to assist with those annoying little tasks around the club, from tidying up the sets of boards after tournaments, setting up the room for the night’s play and moving furniture."

Graham Potter Well vol of month june 18.jpg
Graham, in the middle, with flowers, gift and certificate. On his right and his left are two of the many
who really appreciate having Graham around, Brad Tattersfield and Bridget Hannaway-Wilcox, Club
President and Manager respectibly. The Club put on a nice afternoon tea in Graham's honour during
the afternoon session of bridge at the Club.

Graham is the kind of person every club needs. Brad and Bridget's final words were "Please keep coming, Graham, the club really needs and appreciates what you do."

Richard Solomon


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