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Northland News with Tania Brown

Greetings from the Winterless North yet again.

It seems like only last week I wrote the last round-up but we are already fast approaching the middle of the year.

Here in the North we have been having great successes holding Intermediate and Junior tournaments in conjunction with Open in two very separate sections. It has been very rewarding seeing all of the new faces, hearing of all of the first time tournament people and seeing the larger table numbers at these events.

April 7 was the 8B Quail Ridge Open Twin Salvor held in Paihia. For a club with only about 4 Open players they sure know how to put on a spread, and a full room. It was very gratifying seeing the club so buoyant even with their lack of experienced players. The view is also amazing and looking out over the water while partner fluffs around trying to make their contract is just magic.

Paihia bridge club view 18.jpg
The Paihia view which might easily take your mind off the cards.

while here are the winners of each category:

Junior wylie salver 18.JPG          Int wylie salv 18.JPG  Open wylie salver 18.JPG
Top Juniors Margaret Lindsay and   Top Intermediates Sue Skarupsky and   Top Open: Richard Bland and Margaret Hooson.
Shirley Glabus                                    Sue Hunt                                                Good one, Margaret!

Also in the pictures are Roger Topliss and Elizabeth Killen representing Paihia.

The Quail Ridge tournament and the next tournament which was held in Whangarei, were both very generously sponsored by Northland Bridge playing members. I urge you to check out Quail Ridge Retirement village if you are looking at that next stage in your life and come and see Jayne Broome if you are after a tipple of a fine spirit or liqueur. Without this generous sponsorship smaller clubs like those in the North would not survive, particularly when we put on a fabulous two course lunch and charge a nominal $25 - $30 entry fee.

The Broome family sponsored the 8B Open and 5B Intermediate/Junior on April 21st and again it was lovely to see so many new faces.

Top Juniors were again Margaret Lindsay and Shirley Glabus

Top Intermediates - Carla Rentoul and Mike Curran

and again Top Open  - Top Open Margaret Hooson and Richard Bland.

April 25 saw a St John Charity Fundraiser and it was lovely to see Olive and Len Dent win this one. Olive and Len don’t normally get to play together as Olive is our Director here in the North and it was nice to see her being able to join in and play.

Len and Olive Dent 17.jpg          Bob Brown Bill H Paul Cars 2018.jpg  Kerikeri junior winners 18.jpg

Len and Olive: colourful people       Bob Brown, representing the Kerikeri Club    Bob, once more, with Junior winners,
in every sense.                                is rather swamped by Paul and Bill, the 8B winners.   Henry Crammer and Faith Nathan.

May 5th saw another Open 8B and 5B Int/Jnr competition, this time in Kerikeri.

Top Open players were Paul Carson-Wenmouth and Bill Humphrey

Top Junior – Faith Nathan and Henry Crammer

And Top Intermediates – Sue Parker and Sue Hunt.

 We are definitely seeing a repeat of some of the names here!

And to the board that created the most discussion for the day. This was board 18 in the Broome Family tournament.

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
9 8 7
A K 9 7 6 4 2
A Q 4
Q J 6 5 4
6 4 2
10 9 7 2
W   E
A 10 2
A K 7
Q 10 5 3
J 8 6
K 3
Q J 10 9 8 5 3
K 5 3
West North East South
    1 NT 2 
Pass 2  Pass 2 
Pass 3  Pass 3 
Pass 4  Pass 5 
All pass      


Deciding as I had a diamond, two kings on the right side of the NT bid and my partner was pretty persuasive, I put him to 5Diamond-small. WRONG. 4Heart-small is on as you only lose a spade and the Heart-smallAK. ( kings are OK but aces are better for 5 of a minor. That heart suit should be playable opposite a void (it was) while such a suit missing the top honours needs to be the trump suit.) Not the best way to finish the day. One thing about Bridge though is that there is always another board. 

Take care everyone and hope to see you at the bridge table soon.



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