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Information and toplines are now available from the tournament and grading survey sent out late 2017.

The purpose of the survey was to inform the Tournament and Gradings Taskforce in their review of the current tournament schedule and current grading and ranks system operated by New Zealand Bridge and to consider whether any revisions are desirable to promote growth in participation of the game at all levels.

The taskforce received over 1500 responses to the survey with a very broad reach of responders countrywide:

Region Number of
Auckland Northland 228
Waikato Bays 331
Central Districts 225
Wellington 343
Canterbury 269
Otago Southland 150
Top of the South 63

The responders were roughly one-third each junior, intermediate and open players.

In addition to the toplines from the survey, there were a large number of comments and suggestions received.  Repeated themes have been drawn out for consideration.  We are also analysing results on a regional basis to take into account local needs and practices.

Here is the taskforce timeline:

Date Task
April/May Analyse data and form recommendations for grading and tournaments
31.5.18 Recommendations to the Board
June Board approves or sends back to taskforce for further review*
June Recommendations to Regions
15.7.18 National Conference – Regions approve or sends back to taskforce for further review*
August Recommendations sent to Clubs for feedback and further review*
September Announcement on outcomes from gradings and tournament review at AGM 2018

 *If there is a significant further review at these stages, the timeline will go back to allow for due consideration of stakeholders’ views.

Jane Stearns
Tournament and Gradings Taskforce

Click here to open the Tournament and Gradings Survey Toplines

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