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Thursday on The Coast

A great last qualifying day for a young team of mixed Australian/ New Zealand players saw Bouton climb up to 4th in the Open where the top 6 teams qualify. The team includes Dunedin’s Vicky Bouton and Brad Johnston and ex Wellingtonian Fraser Rew.

In the Restricted section, the Royle Epsom team of Kinga Hajmasi, Andrew Michl, Barry and Jody Whale stayed on top of the ladder and finished 1st qualifying for the final. The top Kiwi results were

 (Kiwis in bold)

Open (226 teams)

4. Bouton

Vicky Bouton, Stephen Williams, Fraser Rew,Jessica Brake, Brad Johnston


11. Ware

Michael Ware, GeO Tislevoll, Matthew Brown, Pete Hollands, Andrew Mill, Tony Nunn


12. Davies

Kate Davies, John Patterson, Murat Genc, Wayne Burrows


17. Jacob

Tom, Steph, Nick and Ella Jacob Stephen and Annette Henry


19. Badley

Duncan Badley, Paula Boughey, Alister Stuck, Andrew Tarbutt


28. Cartner

Linda Cartner, Jonathan Westoby, Fuxia Wen, Ian Berrington



Seniors (36 teams)

6. Guy

Lindsay Guy, Steve Gray, Robyn Freeman- Greene, Dale Lacey


8. Palmer

Barry and Glenis Palmer, Neil Stuckey, Christine Wilson


18. Oyston

Pat and Martin Oyston, Lyn Hall, Anita Thirtle


22. Woodhall

Noel Woodhall, Andrew Janisz, Elli Urbach, Ferenc Budai




Intermediate (86 teams)

1. Hajmasi

Kinga Hajmasi, Andrew Michl, Jody and Barry Whale


6. Humphrey

Bill Humphrey, Paul Carson Wenmoth, Anna Chappell, Marilyn Kennedy


17. Snelling

Derek Snelling, Sally-Ann Murphy, Alison and John Ruddell


13. Deaker

Ann Deaker, Marilyn Copland, Erica Tie, Lyn Mould



Restricted (88 teams)

3. Kalma

Anna Kalma, Rochelle Van Heuven,Charlotte Jager, Tim Rigter


5. Bowers

Nicky Bowers, Joy Watkinson, Dave Garrett, Richard Stuart


8. Bannister

Jane O’Brien, Chris Hagen, Ian Bannister, Fran Martin


10. Chatterton

Dawn Simpson, Jeanette Chatterton, Suzette McIlroy, Junette McIntyre



“Sub Moysian” Day

Do you enjoy playing 4-3 trump fits? They can be neat contracts, less so when you encounter a 5-1 trump break! How do you fancy a 3-3 trump fit at the 4 level? They can be OK too, as long as trumps break 4-3. Kris Wooles had the pleasure in this event:

Gold Coast Teams Round 5

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
10 2
J 10 7
5 4
9 8 7 6 4 2
Q 8 7
K 9 5
K 10 6
A J 5 3
W   E
A J 5 4
A 4 3
A J 9 8 3
K 9 6 3
Q 8 6 2
Q 7 2
West North East South
Kris Wooles   John Wignall  
Dbl 3  Dbl Pass
3  Pass 4  Pass
4  All pass    


3Club-small was explained as a limit raise which put Kris off defending 3Club-smallx (+800). Instead, after bidding and then being forced to rebid his three card heart suit, he received a club lead in 4Heart-small. He won, ruffed a club in dummy and drew trumps as best he could (three rounds). North won the third round and switched to a spade, ducked to the king. Kris won the spade return and with a second unavoidable trump loser to come, had to find the Diamond-smallQ to make his contract. He realised North did not have their bid and finessed correctly for a hard-earned +420, limiting the loss to just one imp as the more normal 3NT contract in the other room scored two overtricks. Relief though no adjusted score as North’s action was an adventurous bid and Kris had been given the correct system explanation.

Pre-empting to the” max”

Contrast the auctions at two tables in one match from Round 7.

Gold Coast Teams Round 7

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
K J 6
A K J 9 3
J 10 5 3
7 3
Q 7 6 4
A K 9 8 7 5 2
W   E
10 9 5
10 8
A 7 4
Q 10 6 4 3
A Q 8 4 2
5 2
K Q 9 8 6 2
West North East South
  Fuxia Wen   Ian Berrington
    Pass 1 
2  2  4  Pass
Pass 5  Pass 6 
All pass      


Space is what North-South need on this board and in the above auction, that is just what Fuxia Wen and Ian Berrington were allowed to have. Ian’s pass of 4Club-small allowed his partner to jump to game. He did well to raise to slam on the basis of his void club. Contrast that with:

            West              North              East                South

            Jonathan                               Linda
           Westoby                               Cartner


            3Club-small                   3Heart-small                  5Club-small                   Pass

            Pass                x                      All Pass

With 1Diamond-small a possible 4 card suit, North decided to take the money. This wrong decision got even worse when after a high heart start, North switched to a diamond. +200 did not sit well with -920 at the other table…. a 12 imp gain for  Cartner arising from aggressive pre-emption at just one table.

For the majority, it is back to Swiss Pairs on Friday while the top six in the Open and top two in the other categories fight it out to find a winner. We wish the Bouton and Hajmasi teams well.

Richard Solomon

Click here for the full results.



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