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Ashburton's Youngest Bridge Player

“You can never be too young to play”.

The following article by bridge player and new Canterbury Bridge Mate, Sonia Gill, appeared recently in the Ashburton Courier. It reflects what many of us know but are trying to get across the “unconverted” that Bridge is a great competitive game for all ages and that you can never be too young to play. Amanda Grey was unable to play more active sports. Read her story.

“Amanda Grey is not only the youngest member of the Ashburton Bridge Club but the first in more than 20 years to be expecting a baby.

Amanda is mum to 20 month old Stanley and has another baby on the way but that has not stopped the 33 year old for turning for Bridge each week and competing in occasional tournaments.

Ashburton Bridge Club tutor Kay Robb said that with a mostly older membership, it wasn’t common for bridge clubs in New Zealand to welcome new babies.

“We can’t remember the last time we had a club member expecting a new baby but we think it was about 20 years ago. The whole club is excited for Amanda and we are looking forward to meeting the new arrival.”

Ashburton lady Amanda.png

Amanda, 20 month Stanley and Ashburton
Club member, Gordon McCormick

A run of injuries saw Amanda decide to try Bridge.

When a torn calf muscle ended her netball days, she decided that golf would be a good alternative. Alas, then, her shoulder required surgery.

“I needed to find something that my body could cope with but that still catered to the competitive bones” Amanda said.

It was suggested by a fellow golfer that maybe Bridge could be a good option for Amanda.

So, four years ago, apprehensively, Amanda went along to the learners’ classes under the tuition of Bev Smith and to her amazement, it was exactly the sport for her.

“I just love the game and the competitiveness and I’m trying really hard to convince my friends how amazing this game really is. I may be the youngest member in the Ashburton Club but it would be great if others my age would just give it a go. “

Amanda has spent most of her life in the Ashburton district and attended Ashburton College. She agrees that you are never too young to take up the game and is sending a message out there to anyone who has a competitive streak or simply wants an alternative to playing games on their phones or computer to give Bridge a go.

The Ashburton Club has only one set of lessons for the year starting on Monday February 12th. So, get in touch with the club and reserve your seat for 2018.”

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