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Remembering 17

Everyone remembers the year that is almost gone. So, why not New Zealand Bridge? Let's share a few memories of this past year. Here's a great place to start:

Fourth at The Bowl

Open team lyon 17.JPG

Great days in Lyon as our Open Team did us proud with a 4th placing in the Bermuda Bowl.

Youth Test Success                                                                   Hoping for a Repeat

Youth Test winners canberra 17 Stern Cornell trophy.JPG                          Youth trial december 2017 auckland.jpg             

The team which won the Cornell-Stern trophy                 The New Zealand Youth Squad which played off
in January in the YouthTest against Australia. Pictured       for places to play in the January 2018 test in
with David Stern are Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin,                    Canberra.
Jacob Kalma, Nik Mitchell, Matt Brown, Brad Johnston
Feitong Chen and Matthew Hughes.

                                     VOLUNTEERS OF THE MONTH

Cynthia  Clayton.jpg                Heather and Chris Jared  vol of month jy 17.JPG              David Laing volunteer of the month  with Adrian Abraham jan 17 vol of month.jpg

Every club needs Volunteers and New Zealand Bridge continues to acknowledge some of these most valuable people. Here is a sample of those highlighted in 2017, Cynthia Clayton (Hamilton) with the cards she makes, donating the profits to our game, Heather and Chris Jared who have and continue to contribute to Bridge in the Wellington Region and Nelson's David Laing (left, receiving his certificate from Adrian Abraham), a most valuable servant to that club.


Patrick Julie 1st nz pairs 17.jpg          Clair and Wayne.JPG        Steve Baron Matt Brown North Island Pairs August 2017.JPG

New Zealand Pairs Winners, Julie                   Clair Miao and Wayne Burrows,      North Island Pairs winners, Steve Baron
Atkinson and Patrick Carter                             winners of South Island Pairs         and Matthew Brown
                                                                         and several other tournaments
                                                                         during 2017.


                                         NEW FACES ON THE BOARD

2017 has seen some new faces, some new initiatives for the Board of New Zealand Briidge. In thanking Arie Geursen, Allan Joseph, Carol Richardson, Phil Rutherford and Noel Woodhall for their contributions, we welcomed the following to the "table":

Alan Dormer   Clare Coles  Jane Stearns  Greg Whitten  Allan Morris

Alan Dormer          Clare Coles           Jane Stearns         Greg Whitten           Allan Morris

They may be new to the Board but have been enthusiatic contributors to our game before "stepping up".

One new initiative has involved the following. What have they in common?

Denise Olhen.jpg  Ray Curnow1.jpg  Jan France.jpg  Eunice Eccles.jpg  Susannah Pinckney.jpg
Denise Ohlen                   Ray Curnow                   Jan France                    Eunice Eccles              Susannah Pinkney
Central Districts               Top of The South            Auckland-Northland      Waikato Bays             Otago-Southland

The answer is they are the first five appointed Regional Bridgemates, whose part-time positions involve helping clubs in their respective regions. They brief is large: their enthusiasm immense. They will be joined by Regional Bridge Mates in Wellington and Canterbury in 2018.


Peter and Jenny Story-.jpg   Intermediate Teams 17 winners - Copy.jpg
Peter and Jenny Story... 78.56% in this   NZ Intermediate Teams winners at the National
year's New Zealand Wide Pairs.              Congress winning by over 13 vps: Anna Powell,
                                                                 Sharon Marryatt, Carol Joseph and Raewyn Kitching
                                                                surrounding Board Member Allan Morris

Wellington 3 nov 17.jpg

Wellington's winning team at this year's Inter-Provincial Championships

.....and let's not forget:  BRIDGE IS FUN

Loud shirt day Golden Bay.JPG     NZWP17 NELSON 7.jpg cambridge 6s 2 17.jpg
"Loud Shirt Day" at Golden Bay                  The "necessities" of Bridge    One of "the" events of our Bridge Calendar
                                                                    at Nelson                                 

    Tauranga dec 17 party.jpeg
   A room full of happy Bridge players at Tauranga

Here's to much more enjoyment, success at the Bridge table and many many more players learning and playing Bridge in 2018.

Happy New Year to you all.

Richard Solomon

ps. Our fiirst picture showed learners this year at Te Awamutu. Let's hope they and many others round the country will have enjoyed their introduction to our game in 2017.










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