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Macleans College retain Auckland-Northland School Teams Trophy

Five teams from two schools, Auckland Boys Grammar and Macleans College, took part in this annual event which takes place at the Howick Bridge Club, this year on 10th September. Numbers were less than last year but there was still an excellent atmosphere and good competition. Scored as imps, it was very close at the finish between two teams from Macleans College:

  1. Eddy Tan, Yiwei Qi, Sheryl Luo and Tim Pan 91
  2. Zachary Yan, Vincent He, Georgia Wang and Kevin Hu 87
  3. Abe Keane, Jacob Lerner, Nick Schischka and Calvin Fraser -44
  4. Amy Wang, Tony Ren, Jeffrey Dai and John Yang - 51
  5. Steven Ma, Alex Cambell, Alex Chen and Max Gu - 83

Zachary and Vincent are members of the New Zealand Youth International Squad. Watch out for them at this year’s National Congress. Also, at least 13 Macleans students will be taking part in the National Youth Teams at Hamilton on the day before Congress starts.

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Second placed Kevin Hu, Georgia Wang, Vincent He and Zachary Yan

There were a few moans from the East-West players as slam opportunities, and all grand slams as well, were 3-0 in favour of North-South. No-one got beyond small slam when on Board 14, North was last to speak with a cool 28 count

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
A K 7 6
A K J 5 3
7 5 2
10 9
Q 9 2
Q J 6 3 2
W   E
J 10 9 6
J 3
10 8 6 4
10 7 4
K 8 4 3
Q 8 5 4 2
9 8 5
West North East South
    Pass Pass
Pass 2  Pass 2 
Pass 3  Pass 3 
Pass 4 NT Pass 5 
Pass 5  Pass 5 NT
Pass 7  All pass  


With such a strong hand, the bidding is easier if North can avoid jumping with their second bid. One approach is to play a rebid of 2NT as game forcing (you cannot pass, partner, even if the highest card you hold is the 5!). That would work here as indeed does the above sequence.

3Heart-small promises a 5 card suit after which North checks on key cards. The 5Club-small “none” response is no surprise though when North asks about the missing trump queen (5Diamond-small), the response is wonderful. You can either show responses in steps, as above (5NT shows the Heart-smallQ and one king outside trumps….guess which!) or you can reply showing specific kings if you have got the Heart-smallQ (therefore bidding 6Diamond-small here). Either route should lead to 7Heart-small and an early claim.

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The winners: Eddy Tan, Sheryl Kuo, Tim Pan and Yiwei Qi

Thanks as usual to the Howick Club for the use of the club-rooms and especially to club member, Richard Andrew, who dealt, directed, scored and made sure that club members would never believe young people had been playing bridge there.

Richard Andrew.jpg

A most valuable helper, Richard Andrew

The mess vanished! A special thanks, too, to Lance Bowden (Macleans) and Peter Shore (Grammar) who ensure that Bridge can be played and enjoyed by many students at their schools. The same thanks goes to those whose enthusiasm enables the game to be played at other schools.

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In third place from Auckland Grammar: Jacob Lerner, Nick Schischka, Abe Keane and Calvin Fraser

Richard Solomon


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