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The Bowl at Lyon

On then to the Battle for Bronze

92 imps down at the half-way point of the semi-final against France. That would be a tough ask against any decent opposition…but against a top country playing well. “C’est non”. It would not happen. It did not happen.

Set 4. France 55 New Zealand 8.

Just one painful example.

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
8 7
A Q J 9 3 2
K Q 6 4
K 4
10 9 7 2
K 10 7 3
W   E
Q 2
10 7
J 5
A Q J 9 8 5 2
10 9 6 5 4 3
8 6 5
A 8 3


Just like the other three West players in the two semi-final matches, Ashley Bach declared game in no trumps. It mattered not whether you were in 3NT (twice) or 4NT (twice including Ashley), but as soon as you gained the lead, you had at least 10 tricks to cash. In the Bulgaria- USA 2 match, the leads were Heart-smallQ and a spade…in the end just a one imp swing, both making.

Michael Whibley led the Heart-smallQ giving France 11 tricks….and the French North…Diamond-smallQ. Ashley finally got on lead at trick 10. You can see the order of the cards..diamond to the ace and a heart. That was -600 and 15 painful imps out.

New Zealand conceded at the end of the set, the final score being 48-187. There is no shame in that.

On then to the play-off for the bronze medal against Bulgaria who lost to USA 2 by 34imps.Black socks on, please.

Richard Solomon

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