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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

Winter time = Tournament Time except for your TOTS reporter who is spending most of it in UK and Ireland. So TOTS News for August is brought to you remotely this time round………….

I did manage an appearance at the ever popular Hello World Swiss Pairs hosted by Richmond on 24th June.  A sell- out crowd, 24 tables and the day won by our TOTS Chair Rebecca Osborne and her partner Pam Dravitzki.  Second were Vicky Russell and Jane Worthington with Peter Bone and Tom Pyatt from the Clubs section in third.  Brilliant day, minor hitch with the scoring but some pretty fancy footwork from Steve Gray in the IT department and some unruffled directing from Craig Shannahan got us back on track after a minor interlude in the late afternoon and finished in time to watch the first Lions Test.  Murray Wiggins gave a run through of the new rules after play on the Saturday and again on the Sunday morning, both sessions being well attended.  Our main winner on the day was Sita Monaghan who earned that last A point to become our Region’s newest Grandmaster.  Congratulations Sita, quite an achievement.


The Region's new Grandmaster, Sita Monaghan

22nd July saw the Nelson Junior Pairs, with 10 tables and a number travelling either over the Takaka Hill or the Whangamoas.  Winners on the day were local pair Peggy Bryant and Phil Spencer with Claire Welch and Lesley Pincombe from Picton second.

29th July was the Margaret Talley Motueka Open.  19 Tables and Jim Jessep and Tony Oberdries taking top slot, Anita Thirtle and Pat Oyston second and Sheila Beggs and Sally Moore third.  Richmond held their charity St John’s Tournament on the afternoon of 30th July.  A lovely social afternoon, raising money for St Johns Youth – and some of the St Johns Youth helping out on the day by catering and serving the afternoon tea.  12 Tables and Vicky Russell and Barbara Gordon taking the day on open and Karen Moynagh and Lynne Ehau on handicap.  The real winners were St Johns.

Other news – AGMs are approaching.  Richard Solomon is on his way to Nelson to impart some of his wisdom, on 11th August.  TOTS finalists for Rubber Bridge are Tony Gordon and Adrian Abraham – good luck.

Back on deck and hopefully better in touch for the next instalment due October.

Keep warm



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