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Start Thinking About Our National Congress



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Whether you know it all about our National Congress (maybe you have been to all or most of the previous Congresses)


Are unsure what it’s all about (we think that whatever level at which to play that there is something at the Congress for you the tournament player)…

We are going to tell you what happens, when and how with a series of features over the next few months.

This time, firstly, there is the “when” ?

Saturday September 30th until Saturday October 7th and if you under 30 you should be interested in taking part in the National Youth Teams on Friday September 29th.

Of course, you do not have to play all that time ( about 2 out of 3 who come do, though) and as well as the full Congress package, which saves you money, there are smaller packages and individual event entry for most events.

What about the “where”?

The Distinction Hotel in Garnett Avenue, Te Rapa, about 4km north of the Hamilton City Centre.

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brim full of bridge players

Do we mention “why”?

To play competitive bridge at your level in a very friendly environment. Your aim may be to win New Zealand Teams or to put in a creditable performance in the NZ Intermediate Teams. We would love to see you there for one day or one week whatever suits.

The post mortems are wonderful fun too.  

“Which events shall I play in”?

A good place to start is the Congress section of this website: try this link and browse through the events. Read about them and what suits your timeframe and budget.

How do I enter?

Each event has a link to enter that event or go straight from the icon in black which says “Enter an event here”. You can enter most events on-line up to a few hours before an event starts though to enter NZ Open and NZ Restricted Open Pairs, you need to enter at least a couple of days in advance.

You may prefer to enter by filling out a page of the brochure which is available on-line (click here) or which you can find at your bridge club very soon.


What are “Packages”?

There are three Packages (see Overview under the Congress section of this website) but if none suit you, then enter each event you want separately. The Packages are for the full Congress, for the first three days (New Zealand Pairs or Restricted Pairs), or for the last five days (New Zealand Teams package).


Yes, we like that! The Package prices are a little cheaper if you pay for them by 31st August. Individual events have the same price whenever you pay for them. (before you sit down for the first session, please.)

If..or let’s say “when” you want to pay, go to the black “Pay Here” icon under the Congress section of this site or find the link from any event listed. Follow the instructions, remembering to tell us who you are paying for if you are paying for other players.

The Discounts.

You pay less if you are coming from the South Island or are under 26 and are a full time student. Make sure you take advantage of these cheaper rates. See the special lines in the Payment section or in the case of “Youth” make sure you complete the appropriate code when directed to do so.

Also, just remember, the Packages are cheaper if paid by 31st August.

You want a room at the Distinction Hotel? You want us to meet you at Hamilton Airport?

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Check out the special icons for these and complete as soon as you can. The hotel gets pretty full. It’s a great idea to be “on site” while on certain days, we will meet and greet you at Hamilton Airport and ferry you to the Distinction for free. That’s the cheapest 25 minute taxi ride you will ever get!

But I need a partner and or teammates?

We will help find a partner for you for any event to find someone to sit opposite you or at the other table. Complete the email (see: partner/team) and your wish will be granted…guaranteed. We cannot guarantee success (that’s up to you) but we will find someone/ another pair with whom you will enjoy playing.

Enough questions…. for now.

Get looking, planning, maybe even entering. We do not mind if you even start paying!

And if you have any questions, email or phone Richard Solomon on: or 09 232 8494.

We’ll find an answer for you.


If you want to know more, just look at the Congress section of this website or download or grab a brochure about the Congress.


Bridge is a very friendly drug. So too is this Congress. We are sure if you have been once, you will never want to stay away.


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