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A Lighter Look


It can all get a bit too much at times, saving overtricks, watching partner’s discards. (You do, don’t you?). Say “yes” and promise you will…at least until the tea break!

So, relax and take in some lighter moments at the bridge table…like

Seeing the Opponent’s Cards

tongue in cheek.png    cards.png

The oh so honest player who told his opponent to keep his cards hidden as they could be seen. Very noble, you may think…. But then the honest player looked around to see that his opponent’s cards had been folded in his hand all the time. He could not see them! He was looking at the bidding box cards!

Then, we have:

The Worst Hold of All Time.

You know, a competitive auction and they bid a suit and you bid no-trumps. It’s normal you have a couple of honours in their suit, maybe just one hold, a nuisance holding like 5 cards headed by the 9 but perhaps just a little more than West had after this sequence:

West          North         East            South

                                      1Diamond-small              Pass

1Spade-small               2Heart-small            Pass            Pass


We will continue the sequence in a minute but these were the East-West hands:

West                    East

Spade-small AT85               Spade-small

Heart-small ? ? ?               Heart-small? ? ?

Diamond-small AK2                 Diamond-small JT76543

Club-small J93                  Club-small AQ5

Today’s $10,000 question is which player’s hearts were AQ10 and which held 432?

Yes, I am sure you guessed correctly. The auction continued:

West          North         East            South

                   Pass            3Diamond-small 1            Pass

5Diamond-small              All Pass

1 with a triple hold in hearts.

H2 3 4.jpg

the "good" no trump hold

12 tricks were made in diamonds, though much to West’s surprise, they could have been made in no trumps too! Maybe that 5Diamond-small bid said “my heart hold was a little fragile”. Come on…better than the Heart-small2 singleton!

Now how about sharing some lighter moments that happened at the bridge table? The one stipulation is that they must be true. The above happened…very recently.

Send to Richard Solomon calling them “A Lighter Look” at  or just phone up on 09 232 8494 and tell me about them.


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