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No need to miss playing...despite the good weather

Happy New Year and Start the New Year with BRIDGE

Can you think of a better way to start the New Year? A quiet game at home, maybe on-line or if you are anywhere near the Auckland Bridge Club on the evenings of 3rd, 4th or 5th of January, then head there for the annual 5A Pairs event. (Just turn up…no need to pre-enter.)

Remember also there’s a 3 night Pairs event at the Christchurch Bridge Club on the evenings of January 5th, 10th and 12th and the regular two night event at Alexandra on 6th and 7th of January.  Meanwhile, if you are “sunnying” it in the Bay of Islands, take in the regular 2 days of bridge on January 7th and 8th (Swiss Pairs on Saturday, Matchpoint Pairs on Sunday…10.00am start) while during the same week-end, 6th-8th January, there’s the Thames Congress.

All that and the year will only be one week old. See, just no time for the beach!

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Yet, even before that, listen to the National Radio’s Summer programme shortly after the 11am news on the morning of Monday January 2nd and you will hear the presenter Jesse Mulligan interview Michael Cornell about the great New Zealand performance back in Poland in August. (Oh, yours truly will be there too.)

“Why now” you might ask?

Although the great performances by the New Zealand Open and Women’s team and the winning of the Gold Medal by Michael Cornell and Ashley Bach happened months ago, at 7.30pm at the Auckland Bridge Club on the night of Tuesday January 3rd, Michael and Ashley will be presented their gold medals by World Bridge Federation Vice President John Wignall and NZ Bridge Chairman Arie Geursen.

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Remember there was more than a little controversy in their winning “gold”. Could it be you do not know the story? Well, even if you do, tune in and hear it from Michael.

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Ashley and Michael

We will also be talking about Bridge in a more general sense. So, if you have any friends or relations who might have a New Year’s Resolution to learn the game, then tell them to have a listen too. (Just tell your friends they should have that resolution even if they have not actually made it!)

  It’s hard to get good air-time to promote the game. No cheating scandals this time. Just good news day about our wonderful game.  

So, be there to listen…and be back at the table pretty soon.

Yes, a very Happy New Year to you all.

Richard Solomon

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