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Volunteer of The Month

October 2016     Ian Drysdale, Whakatane

It is a great pleasure to have Whakatane's Ian Drysdale as New Zealand Bridge's  "Volunteer of The Month" for October 2016. With his wife,Bobbi, another staunch Club member,  Ian moved to Whakatane from Masterton in 2007. He soon became involved with the Whakatane Club's Wednesday night sessions which had been struggling for some time. He took it upon himself, though not a member of the Club Committee, to make the evenings more social after play, a most popular move. He also organised a Wednesday night roster and is always diligent in following up on players to ensure as large a number of tables as possible. Wednesday Night Bridge is now very popular thanks to Ian.

Ian Drysdale and Lynda Osborne Whk .jpg

Ian with his certificate as presented by Club President Lynda Osborne

He makes many other contributions to the Club. He takes an interest in maintenance issues including trying to solve the huge job of drainage issues in the Club car park. Another area was the recently installed dealing machine and Bridgemates, which required many hours of Ian's time behind the computer.

He is also the club's number 1 ham carver at the Christmas function and always organises and operates the bar at Club functions and other events, buying beverages and being "the host with the most".

The Whakatane Club is really indebted to Ian who is very reluctant to accept thanks or praise. He considers the effort he makes as just "being part of a Club."

Club President Lynda Osborne has nominated Ian on behalf of the Club Committee and all the members who have benefited from Ian's contribution. New Zealand Bridge has great pleasure in endorsing this nomination and make Ian the "Volunteer of The Month" for October 2016.

Richard Solomon


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