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The National Congress is over for another year. We have already had a couple of hotel rooms booked for next year. It’s great to get in early.

Bulletins have already carried the names of those who have been successful. So, each day this week, I thought I would cover a hand or some aspect of the Congress which has not been mentioned or not mentioned fully.

Today, it is a neat variation on an achievement a few years ago at a National Congress achieved by Steph Jacob when she won trick 13 with the 2 of trumps. The following occurred in the Round of 8:

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
A K 5 2
J 10 6
9 7 3
A 8 3
Q J 8 7 6
A 10 8 5 4 2
K 6
W   E
10 9 4
K 9 8 7 4
Q J 10 5
A Q 5 3 2
Q J 6
9 7 4 2
West North East South
1  Pass 1  Pass
1  Pass 1 NT Pass
2  All pass    


North could have spoiled a good story by leading three rounds of trumps but started more passively by leading the Heart-smallJ. West ruffed to lead a diamond to the king and a club to the king and ace. North continued with a second heart again ruffed in the West hand.

The Diamond-smallA came next with a heart discarded from dummy and was followed by a third round of diamonds ruffed by dummy’s trump 9.

Next came the high Club-smallJ (West discarded a diamond)  and Club-small10 with West ruffing high and North over-ruffing with the Spade-smallK. Yet another heart came from North with West ruffing with Spade-smallJ. At that point, these cards remained:


A 5 2
10 8
W   E
10 4


So, West led the Diamond-small8 and North inserted the Spade-small2 with declarer taking what he thought was his best chance of another trick (well, either that or not wanting to spoil a good story!) by playing Spade-small10. Declarer had already made 9 tricks and tasted yet another overtrick possibility when he led the Heart-smallK off dummy, ruffing with the Spade-smallQ.

However, North was there with the Spade-smallA, leaving the following assembly of cards for trick 13:

Spade-small5               Spade-small4               Spade-small3               Diamond-smallT

Beat that, Steph!

Richard Solomon





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