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Are you going to Congress ? Then register now on this website

If you are going to Congress and not yet registered on the NZB website, you may like to do so now.  We plan to email Congress players notices during Congress, such as session times, when results are posted and anything considered important for players to know about.

Those already registered, are now showing on the Entry list of Congress events on the website with the word EMAIL.  See the example below

Congress entries.jpg

The previous indicator here had the word REG beside player's names, meaning the player was registered on the website.  Naturally, this was confusing, as it looked like it meant players were Registered for Congress so we have changed it to EMAIL.  In the example above, two players are not registered on the website, but are entered for Congress.

We have had some issues with duplicate entries and we plan to fix this.  In future, a message will pop up if an entry is being made for someone already entered in that event.

Congress is getting closer, so have a look at the Congress tab and see what is on the site that will be useful for you during the event.  Anyone with other ideas and/or suggestions, please email me.

Best wishes

Karen Martelletti

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