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Youth Advocate

The International committee of the Board welcomes Tracey Lewis, taking over from Susan Humphries as the youth advocate on this committee.  Tracey is widely known in the Auckland/Northland area as a keen bridge player, teacher and fundraiser. She has long been a supporter of youth bridge. If you are under 25 and especially if you are part of a youth partnership hoping to make international representation, then please email Tracey to introduce yourself.

Over to Tracey:
I am delighted to accept the role as youth  coordinator for NZ Bridge and will aim to make myself as accessible as  possible to you all.
I hope to help facilitate your development and  pleasure of the game so please do not hesitate to consult me when you have any  issues you wish to discuss.
We have an Australian youth team coming over to  Congress in September and I will be looking to put a team together to play  them. I will be contacting people shortly but if you are really keen to play  and believe you are at the level required to compete please contact  me.

E mail:
Mobile:  0211111972


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